Share insights/feedback, ideas and requests related to the FRP Program.
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    FastTrack Referrals Criteria

    Suggested by Han Weghorst Completed  2 Comments

    We love the focus on referrals for OneDrive for Business, but we received some regular FastTrack Referrals that should be Non Incentive Referrals instead.

    As example: we received a regular referral for a customer in size Extra Small for ODFB. We already deployed SharePoint Online, so there would be no incentive for this left. The customer was asking for file migration to ODFB, but the customer is not eligible for the Migration Benefit.

    We would like to understand why the RFA Gateway is approving such RFA and send this as regular referral. We understand that some areas around RFAs/Non-Incentive RFAs are a little cloudy woul dlike to have documentation that outlines and confirms the conditions that a RFA must meet, in order to be considered as a Request for Assistance, as opposed to a Non-Incentive Referral.

    So two questions:
    1. Are there any other FRP's facing this unclear situation?
    2. Could MSFT share documentation that outlines and confirms the RFA conditions?
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    Can we eliminate need for Intune and EXO claims to earn EOM incentive?

    Suggested by Dave Steeves Completed  4 Comments

    With the goal of EOM to have MAM policies in use, can we eliminate the need for Intune and Exchange claims.  The effort to get a client to implement MAM is above and beyond Intune or EXO and requires additional focused effort.  In many cases we may not have claims for EXO or Intune with a client. For example, when we migrated to CPOR under our new FPM's guidance we didn't migrate any Exchange claims past 40% so as it is, there is no gain to us to pursue EOM with those clients.  Another example is we have clients that had an initial FRP and our now working with us.  While they have passed 40% in Intune, they are not using MAM.  My ask is to simplify this claim so we can focus on having a MAM policy put in place.  Why does it need to include the other claims which already have payouts.  Can we just be paid for meeting the EOM requirements without the other claims? 
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    NCE Customer Eligibility

    Suggested by Jami Styx New  0 Comments

    As partners and Microsoft focus on moving customers to NCE contracts at renewal, is Microsoft considering allowing customers renewing from EA into NCE to be eligible for the MW Security Deployment Offer voucher program? We have several opportunities where we are working with Microsoft on renewals and encouraging customers to move to NCE, which disqualifies them from the voucher program. These customers are renewing from M365 E3 to M365 E5 and need assistance with deploying security products and would be a great fit for the deployment voucher.
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    QTM MW and Security Deployment Vouchers

    Suggested by Karen Naidoo New  1 Comments

    Please add an option to add multiple files when submitting our claims. Often you revert to us to ask for the sign log. Will causes a delay in approval. We could submit the sign log together with the signed document. 
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    CPOR - please renaming Security Usage Incentive in PartnerCenter

    Suggested by Michiel Gedopt Rejected  0 Comments

    We need to log CPOR for program performance. We have clients that decline to complete the POE for CPOR because we are claiming Copilot or other Modern Workloads all because in partnercenter currently CPOR of Modern work or Security workloads is called Security Usage Incentive this is confusing for the client! please rename the partnercenter ability to CPOR to something more generic like CPOR for Modern Work/Security or something but not only "Security Usage Incentive"     many thanks
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    Copilot Workshop claims should automatically create CPOR associations!

    Suggested by Tim Van Liew Rejected  1 Comments

    With the current focus on the Customer Copilot Adoption Journey, we are actively conducting many workshops and engagements supporting Copilot. 

    As we enter Funding/Incentive Claims for Proof of Value or Role-Based Deployment & Adoption Accelerator workshops, these claims should automatically align to a Change Partner of Record claim, utilizing the same POE already required to complete the association rather than requiring that a separate CPOR claim and documentation submission occur. This will also reduce the need to send another email to the customer contact to approve of the association.

    I can see not making the association automatic for the Vision and Value workshops, but if they involve a Proof of Concept/Value or Deployment/Adoption aspect I think it should be streamlined.

    Do you agree?
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    Modern Work Deployment Voucher issue & idea

    Suggested by Georgios Stergakis Needs Votes  2 Comments

    Hi team, regarding the Modern Work Deployment Vouchers we are seeing a lot of delay in customers deciding the affiliate partner for whom to give the voucher. This results in delay of activating the voucher and getting the deployment activities ongoing. Some customer segments have more delays than others, for example critical infrastructure related companies or government entities. Public sector overall is usually slower and resources in the customer side are really thin. This affects gravely in the project activities and we run great risk in not being able to deliver within the timeline because of customer resourcing. For better program experience for partners and better success for deployment activities one idea would be to extend the initial standard voucher deadlines for these kind of customers. The current possible extension of 2 months through request to the program team would come on top of this.
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    Suggested by Sello Makwe Rejected  1 Comments

    good day 
    looking at the submission process for deployment voucher i have realized that you need to create two opportunities when submitting documents.
    1. you need to create the SOW - Initial opportunity,
    2. you need to recreate the same opportunity for POE submission.
    my idea, why don't you create option of submitting both POE and SOW on one opportunity ?
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    What are recent mandatory requirements to maintain FastTrack Ready Partner

    Suggested by Tereza Špecinger Completed  2 Comments

    Would it be possible to consolidate mandatory requirements to maintain FastTrack Ready Partner? In T&C the requirements are "scattered throughout the document" - some (to have at least one specialization in MW and/or Security or be part of selected programs) are under FCP requirements, some (performance and success story/insights item) are under Program Criteria and some (to submit a claim via CPOR for at least one new Eligible Customer tenant per month) is under Fasttrack benefit Services...


    Recently I got information that Customer Success Story and Insights are not mandatory but recomanded. This is also not reflected in T&C.

    Proposal: separate section in T&C dedicated only to requirements to become/maintain FRP
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    Visibility on Fast Track earning potential, account-wise in Partner Center

    Suggested by Pranjal Pant Completed  1 Comments

    We used to have visibility on Fast Track earning potential, account-wise on Partner Center per tenant. Would like to have this functionality back, forecasting right now is quite difficult without the same. 
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