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  • Copilot Workshop claims should automatically create CPOR associations!

    With the current focus on the Customer Copilot Adoption Journey, we are actively conducting many workshops and engagements supporting Copilot. 

    As we enter Funding/Incentive Claims for Proof of Value or Role-Based Deployment & Adoption Accelerator workshops, these claims should automatically align to a Change Partner of Record claim, utilizing the same POE already required to complete the association rather than requiring that a separate CPOR claim and documentation submission occur. This will also reduce the need to send another email to the customer contact to approve of the association.

    I can see not making the association automatic for the Vision and Value workshops, but if they involve a Proof of Concept/Value or Deployment/Adoption aspect I think it should be streamlined.

    Do you agree?
  • QTM MW and Security Deployment Vouchers - Redemption in Partner Center?

    We are a global company that manages FastTrack centrally. We recently received questions from our teams in Germany and Australia about redeeming Deployment Vouchers. We confirmed we could, but now have to figure out the Accounting on the back end for the payments. It would be better if we could redeem these vouchers through Partner Center where we already have Partner IDs and Payment and Tax profiles set up for these various markets. Is there a reason that Workshops are managed through the MCI portal and Partner Center, but Vouchers have to be managed in the FastTrack Partner Community Portal?