Suggested by Michiel Gedopt – Rejected
We need to log CPOR for program performance. We have clients that decline to complete the POE for CPOR because we are claiming Copilot or other Modern Workloads all because in partnercenter currently CPOR of Modern work or Security workloads is called Security Usage Incentive this is confusing for the client! please rename the partnercenter ability to CPOR to something more generic like CPOR for Modern Work/Security or something but not only "Security Usage Incentive" many thanks
Status details
Hello Michiel,
Thank you for submitting this concern. Unfortunately, the entire CPOR operation resides outside of our team and we have no ability to influence change with that group. The best route we can recommend is to resubmit this via a Partner Center support ticket.
If you have any other feedback regarding FastTrack Partner offerings or Quick-to-Market programs, we would love to help.