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  • Add FastTrack Referrals to PartnerCenter co-sell reporting

    We would like to propose MSFT adds the FastTrack Referrals and Non Incentive Referrals as co-sell motion in PartnerCenter reporting.
    This would enable the partner to use one source of truth for receiving and handling leads from her partner MSFT.
  • FastTrack Referrals Criteria

    We love the focus on referrals for OneDrive for Business, but we received some regular FastTrack Referrals that should be Non Incentive Referrals instead.

    As example: we received a regular referral for a customer in size Extra Small for ODFB. We already deployed SharePoint Online, so there would be no incentive for this left. The customer was asking for file migration to ODFB, but the customer is not eligible for the Migration Benefit.

    We would like to understand why the RFA Gateway is approving such RFA and send this as regular referral. We understand that some areas around RFAs/Non-Incentive RFAs are a little cloudy woul dlike to have documentation that outlines and confirms the conditions that a RFA must meet, in order to be considered as a Request for Assistance, as opposed to a Non-Incentive Referral.

    So two questions:
    1. Are there any other FRP's facing this unclear situation?
    2. Could MSFT share documentation that outlines and confirms the RFA conditions?
  • Add Step-up Scenario for XXS to higher Bucket in T&C for FY22


    We have several disputes about having a customer claimed in Bucket size XXS for a POC that is running. At time of claim the AU is over 20%.
    In the current T&C this means a FRP will not be rewarded for supporting the customer achieving milestones in higher bucket sizes after additional licenses were purchased.

    In this scenario the FRP is spending time to support the customer but will not get paid on this. This seems illogical and not fair.

    Would like other FRP experiencing similar issues to like this idea, so MSFT Program Owners can update the T&C to become eligible for the effort spend.
  • No option to update Notes Field for RFA's

    We now use the great new FCU interface and when we receive a RFA, in the Notification Email we can now open the Notes Field giving us date about the requested workload(s). So we can decide to take a RFA, or not, based on that summarized information. In the same Notification Email we should confirm having the RFA received and also that we reached out to the customer for the first time. So MSFT would have some information about the progress the FRP is making. But as we can not update the Notes Field for RFA's, we can not provide further feedback, like outcome of this first customer meeting, if we would like to reject, etc.. As providing that feedback is no hard requirement in the T&C, but wanting to share meaningful information with MSFT, it would be a nice to have function, in my opinion, to be able to update the Notes Field for RFA's.
  • Partner settings for MSFT FastTrack Referrals

    As FRP we receive referrals from MSFT.
    In order to be able to receive only these referrals that are relevant of best fit, we would like to be able to select or deselect criteria when to receive these referrals, like:
    - customer segmentation
    - customer size
    - customer workloads (like endorsements)
    Having these option would improve the customer experience as only the referrals that are best fit are handed over to the FRP.
  • FT Voucher Portal Interface

    It is great to have a single portal to see the status of all FastTrack Vouchers.

    We would like to share our thoughts on enhancing the View interface with:
    - A filter or search option to select specific Customers or VoucherID's
    - Showing the Expiration Date
    - Showing the Voucher Amount
    - Link to the templates to use
    For the Export function it would be great if following data could be added to the exported data:
    - Customer Country
    - TenantID / TPID
    - Expiration Date
    - Voucher Amount
    - Submitter Name / Email
    On top of that we would like to have a second way to redeem vouchers, based on a Form, as not all our sellers can be granted access to his portalm, due to the size of our organisation. (There is a specific Idea for this already).