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  • Success story registration site (

    [Translated text]

    Success story registration site (

    We need to clarify these points:

    1. Microsoft's goal (of collecting our success stories)
    (We have already provided our success stories in PPT.) 

    2. Merit of posting our practices on

    3. Partner’s benefit 
    We think there will be more posts if we have benefit(s) like the following:
    - When we as a partner post more, he can get higher priority in referrals (e.g., MS will assign more users to us)
    - A partner with more posts will have more FRP incentive, for example, doubled.
    - The point will be added by 0.1 of FRP incentives for each post to introduce one of our new practices.

    4. Are there any benefits to customer from this?
    Benefits like the following:
    - Some workshops will be free of charge for customer.
  • S2500ではないユーザフォロー (Visibility of non-S2500 customers to MS sales teams)

    Translation provided by FPM Tamami Mitani

    The FRP would like MS account team to know which FRP are engaged with their customers so that they won’t ask non-FRP partners to support their customers.

    It seems there have been cases where MS Sales introduced non-FRP partners to their users who the FRP claimed CPOR for.

    I think the point is we need to raise FRP awareness internally and provide those kind of information with sales team.

    Also we have to recommend the FRP should reach out account team proactively with utilizing contacts information in FTOP.

  • Certificate as FRP.

    I would like to issue a certificate as FRP.

    We are sometimes asked for documents to prove that our partners are FRP, so we would be very grateful if we had official documents from Microsoft.