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    Unclaimed and Milestone Opportunity

    Suggested by Jami Styx Completed  2 Comments

    Within Power BI - Unclaimed and Milestone Opportunity tab can you please add customers TPID?
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    FRP Help Support emails are too vauge

    Suggested by Austin Donaldson Completed  3 Comments

    When a ticket is created in FRP Help an email is received by the submitter:

    Subject: We have received your Submission
    Body: We've Received your submission: CAS XXXXXXXX

    Similarly to tickets opened with Partner Center Support, the email is not helpful in identifying what the support ticket is about. It should be relatively easy to add the title and body to the email to avoid having to click a button just to see what the ticket is about. 
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    Data Health on FTOP Reporting

    Suggested by Winne Carrisa Completed  2 Comments

    As per my knowledge on November 2021 "Overall Status" was not required to be updated anymore. Could you take it out from Data Health indicator so that it wont reflected on the overall equation of data health compliance score?
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    Microsoft 365 Specialty Partner Community(本サイト)上で探しているPlaybookが見つからない

    Suggested by JBS FRP Team Completed  3 Comments

    >FTOP Task Details<上で掲載されている資料を>Microsoft 365 Specialty Partner Community<で検索しても見つかりません。
    >FTOP Task Details<:①
    >Microsoft 365 Specialty Partner Community<:②



    また、英語版資料がローカライズされたタイミングや既存資料が更新されたタイミングで、Heads upで全ての資料が周知されるようになっているでしょうか?
    もしくは、>Playbook Task Reference List<で今後も確認していくのがいいのでしょうか?
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    Requiring for information on customer survey

    Suggested by Hiroyo Masuda Completed  3 Comments

    I would like to request for further information on customer feedback.
    KB-01140  · M365 Specialty Partner (

    1. What will be the subject and sender's e-mail address?
    2. Will it be sent only in English?
    3. For example, if the customer exceed 15% on three workloads at once, will three emails be sent?
    4. If the WL already above 15% at the time of CPOR registration, will the survey not be sent?

    Thank you.
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    FTOP to PC Transition testing

    Suggested by Core BTS FRP Referrals Completed  0 Comments

    Requesting early access to the tools and reporting within Partner Center as FTOP makes the transition to Partner Center. Looking to be apart of a pilot, leveraging the portal before any go live dates.
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    FTOP transition to PC for FRP - Overall Status Notes

    Suggested by LeeAnne Hughes Completed  0 Comments

    Understanding there are future plans for transitioning from FTOP to PC for data purposes I have a question about Overall Status Notes (OSN).  When previously asked, the answer was that they would likely go away and not be required anymore.  However, (as much as I cannot believe I am saying this) I feel the OSN history of a customer's FT engagement(s) can be quite valuable.  Some customers have been around FT for years.  Having a history of previous engagements can save a lot of time and headache.  As a regular part of our process, we review the OSN history for every new customer in FTOP.  Sometimes we find out information the customer may have forgotten to share that could have a significant impact.  Being aware of certain information helps us provide a better experience for the customer, which is very important to our team.
    With all that being said, I am wondering if the program team will take into consideration the value of the OSN and provide FRP a way to still utilizing the tool.
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    Ability to reopen closed FRP tickets

    Suggested by Vanitha Murugesan Completed  1 Comments


    I had earlier opened a support ticket with FRP help which was set to a resolved status. However the problem continues so i added a comment to the ticket . However the ticket is still in a closed ticket. Please enable the ability to partner to reopen closed tickets or wait for confirmation from partner to close a ticket


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    Would you please fix bugs found in FTOP when PAU is shown on screen? (FTOPで表示されるPAUの数値バグが発生するのを改善いただきたい)

    Suggested by JBS FRP Team Completed  0 Comments

    We have found that the PAU occasionally differs from what we expected.

    We recognize that the values in FTOP reflect the data on Partner Center, of which we inquired why the difference sometimes occurs, and they answered they were "system bugs."

     When the same event occurred around May 2020, you responded as follows:

    We considered FTOP as the provider of legitimate data; however, we are afraid to say that no values are considered legitimate because we have found the source data for Partner Center and FTOP are the same at present.

    We think this problem should be fixed, although it is systematically hard to fix.


    Entitlement (number of licenses), the basis for incentives and AU are based on information from Partner Center. Therefore, the data in Partner Center should be treated as the right number. When FTOP and Partner Center show different numbers, some numbers are doubled. we simply think it will occur again especially when expiration of a license is coming as below and the number is shown double and then combined for a certain period of time. As you can see the numbers below, the entitlements in FTOP return to the original number after May 30th.  Please understand this is the way it goes. Unfortunately, this is something we cannot help improved by any means.



    インセンティブの計算の元となるEntitlements(ライセンス数) 、AU共にパートナーセンターの情報がベースとなります。よって、パートナーセンターの数字を正としてください。


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    FTOP Automation for CPOR workloads in FTOP Survey fields?

    Suggested by LeeAnne Hughes Completed  1 Comments

    Is there a way to automate the eligible workloads in the Customer Contact section w/i FTOP for CPOR approved workloads? 
    To update the Customer Contact field in FTOP FRPs have to manually add the workloads eligible for survey.  Is it possible to have automation put in place that would auto-populate these workloads based upon approved CPOR? 
    OR...... can the survey team pull the workloads from the CPOR Partner Information field (the FRP stamp) found w/i each workload under the Services tab of FTOP?  The query could look for fields not null & add those workloads to the survey eligibility report.
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