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  • Skype to Teams Transition Overview {Playbookの資料が表示できない}

    FastTrack Ready Partner Hub上のPlaybookの下記資料をクリックするとエラー表示になり、ファイルが閲覧できません。

    ■対象ファイル:Skype to Teams Transition Overview
    ■エラーメッセージ:このページは現在機能していません では現在、この要求を処理できません。
    HTTP ERROR 500
  • Partner Center/FTOP does not show PAUs correctly when a customer has an MPSA contract (MPSA契約の場合、PAUがPartnerCenter/FTOP上で正常に表示されない)

    When a customer has an MPSA contract, only MAUs are shown on PartnerCenter/FTOP, and PAUs don’t count.

    I understand that PAUs are not viewed for MPSA contract as it is not eligible for incentives; on the other hand, I do not understand why we still can submit a claim via CPOR. Therefore, we suggest any submission by the customer with MPSA contact should not be allowed.

    Also, I hear that Microsoft Cloud Accelerator Nomination is determined based on the data from PartnerCenter.

    License types do not affect the Microsoft Cloud Accelerator criteria. However, the licenses for the MPSA contract do not count in PAU, which might not be able to be nominated as the number does not reach the requirement.

    We hope these two issues are fixed for a better partner/customer experience.


    また、Microsoft Cloud AccerelatorのNoimnitaion可否はPartnerCenter上のデータを基に判断されていると聞いています。
    Microsoft Cloud Accerelatorのクライテリアにはライセンスの契約形態は関係ありません。ですが、MPSA契約のライセンス数はPAUにカウントされず、ライセンス数不足のためノミネーション不可になってしまうことがあります。

  • Would you please fix bugs found in FTOP when PAU is shown on screen? (FTOPで表示されるPAUの数値バグが発生するのを改善いただきたい)

    We have found that the PAU occasionally differs from what we expected.

    We recognize that the values in FTOP reflect the data on Partner Center, of which we inquired why the difference sometimes occurs, and they answered they were "system bugs."

     When the same event occurred around May 2020, you responded as follows:

    We considered FTOP as the provider of legitimate data; however, we are afraid to say that no values are considered legitimate because we have found the source data for Partner Center and FTOP are the same at present.

    We think this problem should be fixed, although it is systematically hard to fix.


    Entitlement (number of licenses), the basis for incentives and AU are based on information from Partner Center. Therefore, the data in Partner Center should be treated as the right number. When FTOP and Partner Center show different numbers, some numbers are doubled. we simply think it will occur again especially when expiration of a license is coming as below and the number is shown double and then combined for a certain period of time. As you can see the numbers below, the entitlements in FTOP return to the original number after May 30th.  Please understand this is the way it goes. Unfortunately, this is something we cannot help improved by any means.



    インセンティブの計算の元となるEntitlements(ライセンス数) 、AU共にパートナーセンターの情報がベースとなります。よって、パートナーセンターの数字を正としてください。


  • Task4122 の資料を探しているが見つからない。

    下記ページの Compliance Score Workshop が対象と思われるが、404エラーでアクセスできない。
    Translation: Compliance Score Workshop on the following page seems to be the target, but it cannot be accessed with a 404 error.

    [FastTrack Playbook] - [Resource] - [Services Workshops]

    [Microsoft Information Protection (MIP)] - [Compliance Score Workshop]

    下記のサイトで、Compliance Score に関する資料を探したが、見つけることができなかった。
    Translation: I searched for materials about Score Compliance at the following site, but I couldn't find it.
    Microsoft 365 Specialty Partner site

    Translation: Please respond.
  • Microsoft 365 Specialty Partner Community(本サイト)上で探しているPlaybookが見つからない

    >FTOP Task Details<上で掲載されている資料を>Microsoft 365 Specialty Partner Community<で検索しても見つかりません。
    >FTOP Task Details<:①
    >Microsoft 365 Specialty Partner Community<:②



    また、英語版資料がローカライズされたタイミングや既存資料が更新されたタイミングで、Heads upで全ての資料が周知されるようになっているでしょうか?
    もしくは、>Playbook Task Reference List<で今後も確認していくのがいいのでしょうか?