FRP Help Support emails are too vauge
Suggested by Austin Donaldson – Completed
When a ticket is created in FRP Help an email is received by the submitter:
Subject: We have received your Submission
Body: We've Received your submission: CAS XXXXXXXX
Similarly to tickets opened with Partner Center Support, the email is not helpful in identifying what the support ticket is about. It should be relatively easy to add the title and body to the email to avoid having to click a button just to see what the ticket is about.
Subject: We have received your Submission
Body: We've Received your submission: CAS XXXXXXXX
Similarly to tickets opened with Partner Center Support, the email is not helpful in identifying what the support ticket is about. It should be relatively easy to add the title and body to the email to avoid having to click a button just to see what the ticket is about.
Category: Program Tools (non OSU) ideas/suggestions
Thank you for your feedback. We will review and reply soon.
Thank you for submitting your feedback. Since this Insight was posted, there have been several improvements to the Partner Support Tool. The Case number has been added in the title of the email notification, the tool itself has been upgraded to allow attachments, there is an improved interface, a challenge button is being implemented so partners can challenge disputes they wish to have escalated, and the development team is currently considering the addition of further information in the body of the notification email. This request is currently in the backlog for development, so stay tuned for updates on timing for a release of more improved features.
Further improvements have been made to the email sent to partners, including the subject line, the main info of the case, information about the partners program membership, and a link to reply to review and reply to the case. The Challenge feature is also now active in the tool. Closing this feedback as all requested improvements are complete.