
In this article: Voice of Customer surveys and interviews

For Microsoft to better understand the customer experience, research is conducted to generate insights on product and delivery improvements.

As a trusted FastTrack Ready Partner, we rely on your organization to provide an outstanding FastTrack experience to customers, support our research efforts, and continuously improve your delivery.

Voice of Customer Surveys

The customer experience is measured through sending a survey or hosting an interview with customers who have reached the first delivery milestone of 15%.

The surveys or interviews are for designated customer contacts added in the FRP Centered UX in Partner Center. For all customers in the partner portfolio, FRPs must identify and obtain commitment that at least one customer contact will respond to the survey regarding their FastTrack experience delivered by the partner’s company and add them to the tool.

Note: The FRP must submit the name and email in the FRP Centered UX in Partner Center under the contact's page and ensure the contact is marked as, Survey Eligible: Yes.

Once the customer has reached the 15% milestone for a single workload, an emailed survey will be sent to the contact(s) during the month following the milestone achievement. In some cases, this customer will be targeted for a Voice of Customer Interview. The interview is based on the same type of questions included in the survey and is requested in the same timeframe.

Example: If a customer reaches the milestone in August, the survey will be sent in September, or the interview will be scheduled in September.

If a customer does not respond, a follow-up email will be sent two weeks after the initial email was sent.

Our process ensures that a single customer does not receive more than one survey in a 90-day period.

FastTrack Ready Partner: Voice of Customer Survey

The following are types of questions that are communicated to customers:

Please tell us about your experience with {{Partner}} in this short survey. Your input is valued, and we will review it to learn how we can improve. Please be detailed in your response. To protect your privacy, please do not include contact information. Review our privacy policy: Microsoft Privacy Statement.

1. Were you aware of the FastTrack Benefit scope prior to engaging with your FastTrack Partner?

Not sure

1a) Did you submit a RFA?

2. How satisfied were you with working with your Partner, the timeframe and communication from the RFA submission, to when a Partner was assigned to support your deployment?

3. How did you engage with us? How satisfied were you with your Partner Engagement experience?

Very satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
Somewhat dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied

3a) If Somewhat Dissatisfied or Very Dissatisfied is selected:
Please share why

4. Did FastTrack help you? Did the FastTrack Benefit provide value to you?

5. Did the Partner explain the scope of the FastTrack Benefit?


6. When you submitted your Request for Assistance, was your organization ready to deploy Microsoft 365?


6a) If No is selected: Please share details as to why you submitted an RFA before your desired start date.

7. Please choose from below:
The Partner assigned to our organization made it easier for me to deploy Microsoft 365.

Strongly Agree
Somewhat Agree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Somewhat Disagree
Strongly Disagree

8. How likely are you to request this Partner for another deployment? [1-10 scale]

8a) To help us improve the Program, please provide 1-2 suggestions for how we could improve customer experience.