Share insights/feedback, ideas and requests related to the FRP Program.
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    Create FPC Ideas Category for Referrals Decline Reasons

    Suggested by Hiroaki Naruse Rejected  3 Comments

    Could you kindly consider creating " Others" category for Decline Reason of referrals? This will allow us to let Microsoft referral team know correct reason, and the assignment team can properly handle cusotmer's request after the Decline.
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    Lead Quality

    Suggested by Janet Khar Accepted  1 Comments

    We shared with our Fasttrack PDM the issue with FPC Referrals just wanting us to solve their problem and not interested in new projects.  We have not garnered a single new project this year from FPC referrals.   Therefore, the ROI on the FPC Referrals has been poor.  Our FPC PDM asked if we were holding firm with FPC Referrals to the 2-3 hours of free services only.  We do try, but if the customer's issue takes longer than 2-3 hours the customer still expects it will be free regardless of how long it takes.  If we try to charge them, they just complain about us. 

    ASK - We need Microsoft to truly partner with us and help set the boundaries and expectations of what a FPC Referral should expect from a partner - for free.   There is nothing in the original communication from MSFT to the customer to set any time boundary expectations.  Given this is a MSFT program. MSFT should be setting the clear expectations to customers.  

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    Incentivize workloads like M365 Copilot, Microsoft Entra ID for FastTrack Partners

    Suggested by Sohong Chakraborty Completed  1 Comments

    As a FastTrack Ready Partner, we would like to see certain workloads like M365 Copilot, Microsoft Entra ID incentivized under the Modern Work & Security Usage Incentive program. We get a plethora of RFAs for these workloads and readily assist the customers. But incentivizing these workloads for this fiscal will lead to more skin in the game for the partners and, justify the time and effort the partners put in to deliver these FastTrack benefits.
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    Add Statement to "Notice of FastTrack Assignment" Emails to Customers

    Suggested by Oscar Goco Needs Votes  1 Comments

    There are two emails sent to a matched partner.
    The first is the Referral Notification email alerts a partner to the fact that a customer has been referred.
    The second email is the Partner Assignment Notification. This email is sent to customer, partner, referral requestor, FPM, and account team.
    When a partner sends an email to the customer, that email may get quarantined or delivered in to the customer Junk Folder. Therefore, the customer never sees the email.
    I had a few customers never seeing my emails even after repeated replies to the referral team, account team and/or customer.
    With email security being implemented by many customers, I suggest to add a statement in the second email recommending the customer to add the Partner contact or partner domain name to their Safe Senders list or check their Junk folder or quarantine folder. This should minimize the problem with missed communications and delays between the customer and partner.
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    Active user consumption control rules (MAU)

    Suggested by Rogerio Molina Rejected  4 Comments

    Active user consumption control rules (MAU) that end up creating difficulties for us to work with customers. Unfortunately, due to various situations that are beyond our control, many customers reduce their consumption or even stop using the solutions. The problem is that we have had big problems with this, as our numbers end up being hugely negative.

    This ends up creating difficulties for us to remain active in Microsoft programs.
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    Verbiage in Referral AU% tab incorrect

    Suggested by Oscar Goco Needs Votes  1 Comments

    When reviewing the customer referral in Partner Center > Insights > FastTrack > Referrals > customer name > AU% tab. The screen states:
    "There is currently no Active Usage Data for this tenant.
    To view the Active Usage Data, please visit the FRP Dashboard"
    Going to the Partner's FRP Dashboard, the customer is not even listed thus no AU data is available.
    I suspect this is because the partner does not have an approved CPOR association to view the Active Usage data. 
    If so, the verbiage should state that the AU% is not available until a CPOR association is established.  
    However, it would be best to have the AU% data available and visible to provide insight to the customer deployment status.
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    FPR - Steeves and Associates

    Suggested by Lily Cui Completed  3 Comments

    Endorsement model: Smaller partners are not able to obtain as many Endorsements even though they may be qualified to do the work. Steeves and Associates is an example of this where they have strong competencies and can deliver in many workloads, however they only qualify for ACM. 
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    Reporting on Front Line Worker Teams in Partner Center and/or FRP Dashboard

    Suggested by Garrison Rose Completed  1 Comments

    Reporting on Front Line Worker Teams in Partner Center and/or FRP Dashboard
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    FT voucher redemption form

    Suggested by Sebastian Baca Completed  3 Comments

    Having to submit all vouchers via the M365 Portal creates a HUGE bottleneck for a company the size of Avanade.

    We have sellers al over that need to utilize these vouchers, and we cannot grant access to the portal to everyone (as the process is not very straight forward and requires additional approval from both sides).
    Are there plans to revert back to the old way of using the form to submit?  

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    Partner settings for MSFT FastTrack Referrals

    Suggested by Han Weghorst Completed  2 Comments

    As FRP we receive referrals from MSFT.
    In order to be able to receive only these referrals that are relevant of best fit, we would like to be able to select or deselect criteria when to receive these referrals, like:
    - customer segmentation
    - customer size
    - customer workloads (like endorsements)
    Having these option would improve the customer experience as only the referrals that are best fit are handed over to the FRP.
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