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  • Verbiage in Referral AU% tab incorrect

    When reviewing the customer referral in Partner Center > Insights > FastTrack > Referrals > customer name > AU% tab. The screen states:
    "There is currently no Active Usage Data for this tenant.
    To view the Active Usage Data, please visit the FRP Dashboard"
    Going to the Partner's FRP Dashboard, the customer is not even listed thus no AU data is available.
    I suspect this is because the partner does not have an approved CPOR association to view the Active Usage data. 
    If so, the verbiage should state that the AU% is not available until a CPOR association is established.  
    However, it would be best to have the AU% data available and visible to provide insight to the customer deployment status.
  • Customer Referral Notes History Difficult to Read

    Going to Partner Center > Insights > FastTrack > Referrals > customer name > Notes History, it shows the notes with no formatting:
    NOTE: replaced customer information with xxxxx characters
    "10/30/2023 - RFA # 83643. 10/30/2023; Request approved for Microsoft Purview Data Lifecycle Management. Assigned to FTCQ FRP • EDU Licenses: No• Nonprofit Licenses: No• Non-FRP Engaged: No• FRP involved: No• GCC: No    Partner/MCS listed in RFA: false   Contacts:   • Customer contact information: xxxxx.xxxx, IT Administrator,, 18001234567 • Requestor contact information: xxxxx, IT Administrator,, 1801234567     Service Location and Language: • City: xxxxxx• State: Illinois• Country: united states• FT Supported Language: english (united states)   The following entitlement counts reflect the entitlements confirmed by the RFA eligibility engine. These entitlements may differ from FTOP due to latency or other issues but please move forward with the RFA based on the eligibility verified by the On-Demand Team.   RFA Approved Workloads:   • Purview DLM: xxxx Entitlements   RFA name: Request M365 assistance: Email retention policy setup   Additional information that may impact the project: We plan on implementing Email retention polices for the company and need help to ensure we are setting them up correctly.   RFA Form URL: "   
    An improved formatting would make this information easier to read:
    RFA # . 10/30/2023; Request approved for Microsoft Purview Data Lifecycle Management. 
    Assigned to FTCQ FRP 
    • EDU Licenses: No
    • Nonprofit Licenses: No
    • Non-FRP Engaged: No
    • FRP involved: No
    • GCC: No    
    Partner/MCS listed in RFA: false   
    • Customer contact information: xxxxx, IT Administrator,, 18001234567 
    • Requestor contact information: xxxxx, IT Administrator,, 18001234567     
    Service Location and Language: 
    • City: xxxxx
    • State: Illinois
    • Country: united states
    • FT Supported Language: english (united states)   
    The following entitlement counts reflect the entitlements confirmed by the RFA eligibility engine. These entitlements may differ from FTOP due to latency or other issues but please move forward with the RFA based on the eligibility verified by the On-Demand Team.   
    RFA Approved Workloads:   
    • Purview DLM: xxxx Entitlements   
    RFA name: Request M365 assistance: Email retention policy setup   
    Additional information that may impact the project: We plan on implementing Email retention polices for the company and need help to ensure we are setting them up correctly.   RFA Form URL:    
  • Add the Language "Catalan" to Languages Served List

    We are a global company and a have a presence in Spain. There are other languages in Spain other than Spanish.
    Catalan is one out of four official languages in Spain. Approximately 40% of the Spanish population live in areas with two official languages. Approximately 11 million people live in the Catalan language area. In offices and schools, Catalan is the dominant language.
    Please add Catalan language to the list of languages served so that this population can be included.
  • Add Statement to "Notice of FastTrack Assignment" Emails to Customers

    After a partner accepts the customer referral, a "Notice of FastTrack Assignment" email is sent to customer that has the partner's name, email address and domain name.
    Please add a statement in the Notice of FastTrack Assignment email to include the partner's domain name to the customer's Safe Sender list or Allow list.
    This will prevent the email sent from the partner to the customer from being quarantined or delivered into the customer's Junk folder and thus the customer never sees the email.
    I have several customer not receive my emails and had to get my FRM involved to contact either the Microsoft account member of customer to add my email to their Allow list.
    With heightened email security, some customer email systems are filtering emails and mistakenly being flagged as spam or phishing.
  • Add Statement to "Notice of FastTrack Assignment" Emails to Customers

    There are two emails sent to a matched partner.
    The first is the Referral Notification email alerts a partner to the fact that a customer has been referred.
    The second email is the Partner Assignment Notification. This email is sent to customer, partner, referral requestor, FPM, and account team.
    When a partner sends an email to the customer, that email may get quarantined or delivered in to the customer Junk Folder. Therefore, the customer never sees the email.
    I had a few customers never seeing my emails even after repeated replies to the referral team, account team and/or customer.
    With email security being implemented by many customers, I suggest to add a statement in the second email recommending the customer to add the Partner contact or partner domain name to their Safe Senders list or check their Junk folder or quarantine folder. This should minimize the problem with missed communications and delays between the customer and partner.
  • Microsoft Defender Vulnerability Management

    Defender Vulnerability Management is now available as a standalone offer for more customers and use cases. It complements your endpoint detection and response (EDR) solution and has been expanded to include vulnerability assessments of containers.
    This technology is not in the FastTrack eligible workloads. 
    We have several customers asking for assistance with this workload.
    I suggest adding this workload to the list of FastTrack workloads and include in the Modern Work and Security Usage Incentives.