Share insights/feedback, ideas and requests related to the FRP Program.
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    Summary & Contact of who submitted RFA

    Suggested by Sean Denton Completed  0 Comments

    I think it would be a great idea to include a summary or a link that takes you to a summary of what the customer is looking to do around the specific workload(s) attached in the RFA. Many times it is the Microsoft AE submitting the RFA on behalf of the customer or being proactive in trying to push adoption of the specified workloads. It would help knowing who submitted the RFA from customer side or Microsoft side, how FastTrack was pitched to the customer (many times it is pitched as hands on and services focused) and what specifically the customer is looking for in regards to guidance around the workload(s).
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    Referral process improvements

    Suggested by David Nudelman Completed  2 Comments

    The referral process is telling a customer, that we have been engaged for a long time and have CPOR for the workloads in question, that we are not endorsed for these workloads.
    If we have a CPOR claim, the process should stop there, the customer gets referred back to us.
    Also, during the request the customer asked us t be the designated partner. That should also bypass the referral workflow that is in place now. We were always told that the customer has the right to choose their partner.
    I believe the correct order should be:
    1. CPOR
    2. What the customer wants
    3. The referral workflow
    Also you should improve the language used in the program, it sounds very negative to partners.
    Customers new to FT with no valid CPOR claim should go straight to #3.
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    Need Security Everywhere back for Partners with the security badge!

    Suggested by John Francis Rejected  1 Comments

    Team, up unitl i think the beginning of 2023, we were able to delivery PIE security everywhere engagements... we are an M365 partner with 5 badges, security being one of them.. but that doesnt seem to matter for the security everywher program as you now have to be an MSSP to delivery that engagement.
    We find that a bit ridiculous in that we are always helping clients move to e5, EMS, etc.. and have built a team around that... we are a Professional Services company and an SI (as well as a CSP), but we are in the business of implementation and integration, not the types of services provided by an MSSP. 
    our M365 clients rely on us to help them make decisions around upgrading, replaceing competitive products, etc.. and they dont think they should have to pay for that as they consider it microsoft presales work... but now i cant accomodate those types of engagement sfor them... 
    we need to be able to!
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    FRP Meetup for knowledgesharing

    Suggested by Rens Ploegstra Completed  3 Comments

    As a FastTrack Partner i'd like the idea of having a quarterly or twice a year get together with FRP's on discussing issues they've been encountering and getting solutions. 
    obviously, this would be the best if it was set in groups of 4 where the FRP's are in different Geolocations (Competition wise) 
    the community call is more a presentation meeting with Q&A 
    in the times that there is no Face 2 Face event for FRP's anymore this would be my second-best solution for this. 
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    Statement File Naming Convention

    Suggested by Graham Cherry Completed  2 Comments

    Please use a sensible file naming convention for Statements that will allow them to display in chronological order 
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    Windows 11 Deployment Incentive Program

    Suggested by Arto Ovaskainen Completed  2 Comments

    My feedback is for the Microsoft FastTrack Ready Program> Windows 11 Deployment Incentive Program.

    FastTrack team has announced that a suitable Telemetry tool is coming to use to get the necessary customer background information for the Windows 11 Deployment. The tool would provide us, as Partners, a way to identify potential customers to whom we would recommend the program.

    We have an example from this week.

    We presented the incentive program to our eligible customer. The telemetry surveys were based on information obtained from the customer's environment. We spent a lot of time on this topic from our internal stakeholders and also from the client side.

    After Claim Submission, we were notified of the rejection of our claim with the conclusion: "After reviewing the customer details, we are unable to approve your request as this customer was already over the Windows 11 MAD activation threshold for this program at the time the claim was submitted. "

    If we had the telemetry tool at our disposal, we could pre-empt potential customers for whom the incentive support would be worthwhile. 
    This would save everyones time in this topic.
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    Deployment Voucher - Customer Eligibility

    Suggested by HIram Machado Completed  2 Comments

    I would like to bring up some perspective about the Deployment Voucher Offer that I think it is important to have as Microsoft work on the T&Cs as well as a definition of customer eligibility. Since the guidelines mention Commercial customers, I wanted to suggest that it should include government customers too. Let me try to explain why. We have served several customers last year with the deployment vouchers, taking them from not having the licenses to full utilization of the acquired licenses (the primary example of that would be X customer - ~7,000 seats). And we continue on engaged with this customer working on advancing them even more with Azure workloads. Now, the following opportunities are in the pipeline for E5: • Y customer (19,000 users) • Z customer l (4,000 users) • L customer (800 users) These customers are in Brazil, and they are government agencies. The challenge is that they have a long and bureaucratic process for running an RFP, they are now in the process of making the license acquisitions, but it can take them months, and in some cases years to run another RFP for services. There had been cases where they have purchased licenses and never implemented anything until the licensing contract was already expired. The Deployment Offer had allowed us to jump in right after the acquisition of the licenses and ensure that these licenses were going to be deployed and utilized. Which in turn helps to justify the ROI of the investment they have made at Microsoft and improves Microsoft’s position at renewal time. The Microsoft Account Team we are working within Brazil includes Luciano Lourenço, Fábio Gaspar, and Andre Toledo. Please, feel free to reach out to them if you would like, they will probably have a lot more customers on the radar than the ones I am sharing with you. And the Deployment offer might actually be the justification these government organizations might find to make a license acquisition sooner rather than later. We are looking forward to hearing back from you!
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    Phone System - Implementation Voucher

    Suggested by Rubens Daniel Junior Completed  1 Comments

    Into the FY21 we had a great initiative of the M365 Deployment voucher, where a eligible customer had the implementation services covered by a eligible FRP partner (and follow up with FastTrack program itself).

    Into FY22 one of the main KPIs is the Phone System adoption / implementation.

    It would be a great punch to drive it, a Phonesystem Deployment Voucher to eligible customer that purchase licenses and help them to have all the required UC services to implement it (or migrate from other vendor) into Microsoft Solution.
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    Success story registration site (

    Suggested by Chie Kawaguchi Completed  0 Comments

    [Translated text]

    Success story registration site (

    We need to clarify these points:

    1. Microsoft's goal (of collecting our success stories)
    (We have already provided our success stories in PPT.) 

    2. Merit of posting our practices on

    3. Partner’s benefit 
    We think there will be more posts if we have benefit(s) like the following:
    - When we as a partner post more, he can get higher priority in referrals (e.g., MS will assign more users to us)
    - A partner with more posts will have more FRP incentive, for example, doubled.
    - The point will be added by 0.1 of FRP incentives for each post to introduce one of our new practices.

    4. Are there any benefits to customer from this?
    Benefits like the following:
    - Some workshops will be free of charge for customer.
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    Make it easier to register all workloads for a customer

    Suggested by Jeremy Deschner Rejected  0 Comments

    I have some customers that have self deployed and have already achieved 80% or more on some workloads. In order for our company to be a Value Added Service provider I would like for us to be their first point of contact for all issues in M365. 
    Currently if I want to register all the other workloads that are already 80% or more, I have to provide a signed POE or SOW, then a schedule, then more paperwork that may or may not be rejected. This is all time that we have to spend a company resource on instead of upselling. 
    If the workload is over 40%, we won't get any commission or incentive, so make it easier to register.
    If we register all their workloads the added value to the customer is 
    1. It means the customer can easily use the remote guidance feature of FT
    2. It puts our company in a really good position to upsell to E5  because there is no other vendor in the picture.
    3. If all their solutions have top level support, they will not look at Google or other providers. 
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