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  • 10

    Request: tenant name included in referral email

    Suggested by LeeAnne Hughes Completed  2 Comments

    When a FT referral email is sent to the FRP it would be helpful to have the tenant name included.  Since referral emails are allowed as the initial PoE documentation for submitting the CPOR requests, having the the tenant name would speed up the process.  This also helps when the customer does not know what their tenant name is and/or does not know what their default domain is (which happens way too frequently).  
    I propose a table in the email that could look something like this:
    FTOP record name Contoso US        
    Tenant ID 2k1wi-2cats-3d0gs-24kgld-12blah
    Tenant name
    Customer PoC Jo Smith (
    This would be in addition to what is already in the email body.
    If emailing this information is a concern then please instruct the Gateway team in adding this information in the OSNs in FTOP.
    Any time we can get this information up front would be extremely helpful.
  • 4

    Discuss the New POE form

    Suggested by Jeremy Deschner Completed  3 Comments

    The new POE for has a lot of boxes to check. Some of the boxes seem to overlap each other. 
    For example what is the difference in Remote Guidance and Customer support?
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