Share insights/feedback, ideas and requests related to the FRP Program.
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    FRP Partner of the Year Awards.

    Suggested by Xavier Alegria Completed  1 Comments

    Have had a few partners voice their concern on qualifying for the partner of the Year Award based on the requirements set forth. Specifically addressing the Badges, since they are not a requirement stated and/or noted in the T&Cs.
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    Suggested by Ignas Lamanauskas Completed  2 Comments

    Notifications to be sent to users when usage milestones is reached and when payment is processing -> done. Would be nice, so no need to come every week and check manually. 
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    Remove the Term "Proof of Execution" (and POE in general) from the Engagement Template

    Suggested by Chris Owens Completed  1 Comments

    This seems like a constant piece of feedback, but maybe putting it on this board will finally make a difference. "Proof of Execution" means that you have finished the project/task/assignment/etc. in 100% of the cases when those words are used, including dozens used by Microsoft. Proof of Execution is a document for ECIF as well as the MCI program and both have the customer completing and signing a document after the partner has done work. 
    For some reason, FastTrack wants to use the term Proof of Execution for a document required of the partner prior to doing any work for the customer. This leads to confusion and the customer not understanding why "this time it is different" and not wanted to sign something that seems to indicate that the partner has completed something when no work has started. "FastTrack Engagement Form" or just about anythign would be better.
    When this feedback was presented at various FastTrack Community Calls and other live events, the partners were told the document would only have "POE" on it and that it stood for "Proof of Engagement" - that is not what has happened. "Proof of Execution" is written right across the title bar.
    This needs to be changed.
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    New RFA route process level feedback (Submitted on behalf of FRP Vitalyst)

    Suggested by Xavier Alegria Completed  0 Comments

    Challenges faced by partner to acquire Advanced Specializations in time, in order not to affect their current flow and distribution of new RFAs.
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    FRP Meetup for knowledgesharing

    Suggested by Rens Ploegstra Completed  3 Comments

    As a FastTrack Partner i'd like the idea of having a quarterly or twice a year get together with FRP's on discussing issues they've been encountering and getting solutions. 
    obviously, this would be the best if it was set in groups of 4 where the FRP's are in different Geolocations (Competition wise) 
    the community call is more a presentation meeting with Q&A 
    in the times that there is no Face 2 Face event for FRP's anymore this would be my second-best solution for this. 
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    Statement File Naming Convention

    Suggested by Graham Cherry Completed  2 Comments

    Please use a sensible file naming convention for Statements that will allow them to display in chronological order 
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    Push Survey/Feedback Requests

    Suggested by Angi Johnson Completed  2 Comments

    In a recent FastTrack call we were made aware of a request to provide feedback monthly based on certain workloads etc.  I am happy to do this but there is a high likelihood that I could get busy and forget.  Would it be possible to use more of a 'push strategy' with this?  If you send me monthly surveys or with the workload you would like feedback for and the link to complete I am way more likely to get this done.  Essentially if you can find a way to make it super easy for me I am happy to help. 
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    Suggested by Maurício Silva Completed  0 Comments

    Please could you review the amount related to MCI workshop. It decreased a lot and turns imposible to be used.
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    Links at Migration Benefit Site not working

    Suggested by Daniel Rohregger Completed  2 Comments
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    I would like to be able to download knowledge badges by image size (resolution).

    Suggested by Miyuki Narita Completed  3 Comments

    I am aware that the only badge that can be used now is the image that is displayed on the ExpertZone results screen after passing the exam. With only this image, for example, if you try to display the badge in a large size, the image will be rough. We think that if we can make it possible to download by size, like large, medium, and small, the badges will be more appealing to customers.
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