Share insights/feedback, ideas and requests related to the FRP Program.
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    Communication of change in benefit FY23/24

    Suggested by RONNIE ALTIT Completed  2 Comments

    Communication of change in benefit FY23/24

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    FT voucher redemption form

    Suggested by Sebastian Baca Completed  3 Comments

    Having to submit all vouchers via the M365 Portal creates a HUGE bottleneck for a company the size of Avanade.

    We have sellers al over that need to utilize these vouchers, and we cannot grant access to the portal to everyone (as the process is not very straight forward and requires additional approval from both sides).
    Are there plans to revert back to the old way of using the form to submit?  

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    Customer Eligibility for M365 Customer Success Offer

    Suggested by Pavan Verma Completed  2 Comments

    Hi Team, 
    M365 Customer Success Offer - Customers who own Office 365 licenses (E1, E3 and E5) are matched with an eligible FastTrack Ready Partner (FRP) and are granted the right to receive a voucher with a maximum value.
    But how partner get to know if any of our existing customers are eligible for this offer or not, It would be great if this insight is available so that we can connect with Microsoft Team for the nominating eligible clients.
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    Download statistic Skilling

    Suggested by Jenny Hidegård Completed  4 Comments

    I would like to be able to download, to Excel, all individuals and their certifications.
    From all the Solutionsareas and to one Excelfile.
    Now I have to make several downloads and then merge them together manually.
    Best regards
    Jenny Hidegård
    Exobe AB
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    Partner Operational Support UX Improvements

    Suggested by Teresa Heuke Completed  3 Comments

    ​​​​​​Hi Team 
    The current UX for the Partner Operational Support Partner Support · M365 Specialty Partner ( is not very handy and it would be great if we could see improvements in future: 
    1.) Currently there is no function to put someone in CC. So if someone logging a ticket gets on sick leave there is no possibility for a colleague to take over. So an additional field with people being informed and able to access the ticket would be helpful. 
    2.) There is no possibility to escalate a ticket. As global FRP Admin of my company I am supporting our Operations Team and quite often need to jump in to help them to get things moving. Currently I have to send screenshots of the conversation to my FPM, which is very clumsy and not helpful. 
    Thank you very much for thinking this over. 
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    Partner settings for MSFT FastTrack Referrals

    Suggested by Han Weghorst Completed  2 Comments

    As FRP we receive referrals from MSFT.
    In order to be able to receive only these referrals that are relevant of best fit, we would like to be able to select or deselect criteria when to receive these referrals, like:
    - customer segmentation
    - customer size
    - customer workloads (like endorsements)
    Having these option would improve the customer experience as only the referrals that are best fit are handed over to the FRP.
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    Praise about the FastTrack Manager

    Suggested by Rogerio Molina Completed  1 Comments

    We would like to highlight the excellent work carried out by FTM Nelson Villarreal at the head of FastTrack partner management. His dedication has helped us a lot in the evolution of the team and in the conquest of new challenges.
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    Praise about the program

    Suggested by Rogerio Molina Completed  1 Comments

    Talking to the Mateus Group team, we received feedback that the FastTrack program allowed the project that had been on hold for almost 2 years to finally be carried out. The use of the benefit and also the support of FunctionOne's technical team allowed the difficulties to be overcome and the main objective, which was to create collaborative communication for the entire organization, to be achieved.
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    Editing a CPOR Claims to remove a workload after approval

    Suggested by Chris Radcliffe Completed  1 Comments

    It would be great if the CPOR Claim could be edited after approved or in the case of a Partner Conflict to allow the original claiming partner to remove a workload that might be in question.
    I've seen a few times now where multiple Teams workloads are claimed under one Association, however over time another partner has a competing claim for one of the many workloads included. 
    Rather than cancelling the entire original partner claim, it would be ideal if the Partner could evaluate and possibly deselect a workload if they believe in fact they are not driving adoption for it anymore. 
    That would save a TON of time, effort and likely cost to Microsoft if it didn't trigger a third unnecessary claim process that is trying to then re-claim the workloads that are still technically covered under the original association.  That's a waste of time and big annoyance for both the original Partner and Customers that are trying to figure out what all the claiming nonsense is all about.
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    Conflicting CPOR Claims

    Suggested by Chris Radcliffe Completed  1 Comments

    These days, it seems like every week we are getting notified of another claim that is being contested as another partner has submitted a CPOR Association request for a workload we had previously secured. If I understand how it works, if the new partner shows adequate POE that is newer than the POE we provided, then we become disassociated and lose the AU growth for that customer and workload.  
    I'd like to suggest an alterative approach: AU Growth Sharing for 1-year to a maximum of two partners
    It seems crazy that two partners aren't both rewarded with AU Growth incentive and metrics if they both in fact helped the customer drive adoption.
    Rather than only having one Partner of Record, Microsoft should allow two partners to both share in the credit and track the AU growth accordingly for a period of at least 1-year from the time the original POE was accepted. That way, the Partner isn't negatively impacted with its Solutions Designation score if a new partner also joins into the mix to support the customer. 
    If two or three years has passed, its highly unlikely the partner is still engaged. But if it is within 1 year, then that original partner should still share in the benefit of the AU Growth attribution.
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