Share FRP program tools and Reporting feature requests, suggestions, ideas, and insights/feedback.
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    Partner support cannot make a new case

    Suggested by Jeremy Deschner Completed  0 Comments

    Partner support area has no way for me to create a new case. Please tell me how to make a new case. 
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    About FTOP's Service Notes (FTOPのサービスノーツに関して)

    Suggested by Otsuka Referrals Completed  0 Comments

    If the FRP registration of a company A is switched from another company to our company,
    In addition, if you switch from our company to another company,

    You can see service notes entered by other companies, or you can see our information.

    Can't we improve here?

    I think that it is good to see all the data as your company,

    Information between partners is getting stuck.

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    CPOR Claim for Teams Meeting, Phone & Apps

    Suggested by Jami Styx Completed  0 Comments

    I was recently told that if I want to view the usage data from FTOP for sub-workloads for Teams Meeting, Phone Systems & Apps/Plat within FTOP I need to submit a CPOR claim for 'Teams Only'.  When will the workloads for Teams Meeting, Phone Systems & Apps/Plat flow into FTOP without having to also select 'Teams Only'?
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    Missing DATA in reporting

    Suggested by Andy Nabbs Completed  0 Comments

    I have seen some data missing in recent reports (random workloads) missing once data exported.  I take daily drops of the data for my own reporting and have seen this only this week.
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    PBI report - Performance by Usage Milestone tab - bucket size field

    Suggested by LeeAnne Hughes Completed  0 Comments

    I love that we have additional fields (QE/AE/AU at time of claim) and we have the new workloads (MIP, Teams Meetings, etc.) in the Performance by Usage Milestone tab!!  However...... I would like to request we add the bucket size back to this report please.  The Bucket Size field is quite useful for quickly identifying incentive amounts and forecasting. 
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    Pending Payment Report

    Suggested by Roberto Sandrini Completed  1 Comments

    FRP partners are in need of a report that shows them what payments are "in transit", meaning pending payments for earning adoption with customers that have not yet been posted, but are pending to be posted. 
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    Suggested by Rogerio Molina Completed  2 Comments

    We don´t have access of the Portal informations Claims, we don´t have access to basics information kind of MAU evolutioin´s customer We can´t to see how te be the status of the customer. We lost a lot of access data that has not yet returned and this is causing great difficulties for our relationship with Microsoft customers.
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    Partner Enablement Newsletter

    Suggested by Julius Heise Completed  1 Comments

    Please distribute the Partner Enablement Newsletter via E-Mail to Partners that have signed up for it. Or if this is already the case, let me know where I can sign up for this Newsletter ;)

    Thanks Indeed!
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    I want to check all customer information on FRP Dashboard(Service Usage page)

    Suggested by Waka Nodera Completed  0 Comments

    I have a request regarding the service usage page of the FRP dashboard.
    Previously, I could see Service Usage for all customers.
    From this month it seems to have a filter with "IsCurrentMonth" = "true".
    I want to check the Service Usage of all customer like before.
    Please consider making it possible to check all customer information.
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    Support requests - include title and problem description

    Suggested by Sylwia Aderek Completed  3 Comments


    I would like to request to include "Problem summary" in the topic of the email messages regarding specific tickets.
    Also if possible please include the problem description from submitted ticket as having couple tickets open it is hard to identify which case the response apply to.
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