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  • About FTOP's Service Notes (FTOPのサービスノーツに関して)

    If the FRP registration of a company A is switched from another company to our company,
    In addition, if you switch from our company to another company,

    You can see service notes entered by other companies, or you can see our information.

    Can't we improve here?

    I think that it is good to see all the data as your company,

    Information between partners is getting stuck.

  • About the destination of the first referral email

    Currently, the same email is sent to the user email address and FRP, but I would like you not to include the customer in the first referral email. We don't want our customers to know that we have declined support. If we decline the customer, the mail containing other FRP will be resent to the user. Customers know that we have declined. Is there a way to prevent customers from knowing their partner name?
  • Azure Information Protection(Apply AIP labels to CAD, TEXT, CSV files)

    Title Azure Information Protection(Apply AIP labels to CAD, TEXT, CSV files) Detail Now AIP labels only apply to Office and PDF files I want you to apply the AIP label to the following file formats that contain a lot of customer data. CAD,CSV,Text
  • I would like Intune and MCEM to add the ability to log client operations.

    Client operation logs (malicious work on the client side) cannot be captured by Intune and MECM. Many Japanese companies want to get this client operation log. Since log data cannot be obtained with Microsoft products 3rd party asset management tools are used in many cases. Therefore, Intune and MECM are not adopted in many cases.