Share insights/feedback, ideas and requests related to the FRP Program.
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    Add FastTrack Referrals to PartnerCenter co-sell reporting

    Suggested by Han Weghorst Completed  2 Comments

    We would like to propose MSFT adds the FastTrack Referrals and Non Incentive Referrals as co-sell motion in PartnerCenter reporting.
    This would enable the partner to use one source of truth for receiving and handling leads from her partner MSFT.
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    Need some FastTrack deck for Education customers

    Suggested by Gabriel Gordon Rejected  0 Comments

    It would be nice to have some FT decks customized for Education customers, with their jargon, wording, scenarios.
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    Summary & Contact of who submitted RFA

    Suggested by Sean Denton Completed  0 Comments

    I think it would be a great idea to include a summary or a link that takes you to a summary of what the customer is looking to do around the specific workload(s) attached in the RFA. Many times it is the Microsoft AE submitting the RFA on behalf of the customer or being proactive in trying to push adoption of the specified workloads. It would help knowing who submitted the RFA from customer side or Microsoft side, how FastTrack was pitched to the customer (many times it is pitched as hands on and services focused) and what specifically the customer is looking for in regards to guidance around the workload(s).
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    Suggested by Reed Wiedower Rejected  0 Comments

    Now that PowerApps are increasingly being used at customers - we'd love to see them added to the FastTrack benefit - especially for customers just getting started with the Power Platform.
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    FRP Led Engagements with SME Support (Shadow)

    Suggested by Stuart Moore Rejected  2 Comments

    Idea - FRP leads the engagement with the customer around workshops, guidance etc but leverage SME to deliver workshops. Partner team would shadow / learn from the SME particularly in the advanced workload space. FRP would retain funding / incentive (or perhaps it can start as FTC-CSS then move to FRP Led) but then builds internal muscle/skill around that workload. Perhaps a partner could have 1-2 "vouchers" to use for SMEs on particular workloads?
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    Success story registration site (

    Suggested by Chie Kawaguchi Completed  0 Comments

    [Translated text]

    Success story registration site (

    We need to clarify these points:

    1. Microsoft's goal (of collecting our success stories)
    (We have already provided our success stories in PPT.) 

    2. Merit of posting our practices on

    3. Partner’s benefit 
    We think there will be more posts if we have benefit(s) like the following:
    - When we as a partner post more, he can get higher priority in referrals (e.g., MS will assign more users to us)
    - A partner with more posts will have more FRP incentive, for example, doubled.
    - The point will be added by 0.1 of FRP incentives for each post to introduce one of our new practices.

    4. Are there any benefits to customer from this?
    Benefits like the following:
    - Some workshops will be free of charge for customer.
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    Can we eliminate need for Intune and EXO claims to earn EOM incentive?

    Suggested by Dave Steeves Completed  4 Comments

    With the goal of EOM to have MAM policies in use, can we eliminate the need for Intune and Exchange claims.  The effort to get a client to implement MAM is above and beyond Intune or EXO and requires additional focused effort.  In many cases we may not have claims for EXO or Intune with a client. For example, when we migrated to CPOR under our new FPM's guidance we didn't migrate any Exchange claims past 40% so as it is, there is no gain to us to pursue EOM with those clients.  Another example is we have clients that had an initial FRP and our now working with us.  While they have passed 40% in Intune, they are not using MAM.  My ask is to simplify this claim so we can focus on having a MAM policy put in place.  Why does it need to include the other claims which already have payouts.  Can we just be paid for meeting the EOM requirements without the other claims? 
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    Microsoft Edge reporting needs improvement

    Suggested by Balaji G Completed  1 Comments

    Dear Team,

    Currently before a month ago, we received Microsoft Edge FRP Claim Incentive. We have not had any clue on for which customers and for how many seats the claim has been shared. It only indicated the $ value alone. 

    We would need the below
    1. A clear reporting against each customer claim that is been received for the Edge workload.
    2. In FRP PowerBI dashboard, there should be an option to track the usage once the customer POE is submitted against the workload.This will help us to understand what was the Edge usage before we claimed and what we can expect as claim once we deploy remaining users. 
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    Request: tenant name included in referral email

    Suggested by LeeAnne Hughes Completed  2 Comments

    When a FT referral email is sent to the FRP it would be helpful to have the tenant name included.  Since referral emails are allowed as the initial PoE documentation for submitting the CPOR requests, having the the tenant name would speed up the process.  This also helps when the customer does not know what their tenant name is and/or does not know what their default domain is (which happens way too frequently).  
    I propose a table in the email that could look something like this:
    FTOP record name Contoso US        
    Tenant ID 2k1wi-2cats-3d0gs-24kgld-12blah
    Tenant name
    Customer PoC Jo Smith (
    This would be in addition to what is already in the email body.
    If emailing this information is a concern then please instruct the Gateway team in adding this information in the OSNs in FTOP.
    Any time we can get this information up front would be extremely helpful.
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    Make it easier to register all workloads for a customer

    Suggested by Jeremy Deschner Rejected  0 Comments

    I have some customers that have self deployed and have already achieved 80% or more on some workloads. In order for our company to be a Value Added Service provider I would like for us to be their first point of contact for all issues in M365. 
    Currently if I want to register all the other workloads that are already 80% or more, I have to provide a signed POE or SOW, then a schedule, then more paperwork that may or may not be rejected. This is all time that we have to spend a company resource on instead of upselling. 
    If the workload is over 40%, we won't get any commission or incentive, so make it easier to register.
    If we register all their workloads the added value to the customer is 
    1. It means the customer can easily use the remote guidance feature of FT
    2. It puts our company in a really good position to upsell to E5  because there is no other vendor in the picture.
    3. If all their solutions have top level support, they will not look at Google or other providers. 
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