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    Suggested by Maurício Silva Completed  0 Comments

    Please could you review the amount related to MCI workshop. It decreased a lot and turns imposible to be used.
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    MCI Workshops - Market C

    Suggested by Danilo Nogueira Rejected  2 Comments

    Please, review the creation of Market C for MCI Workshops. The value is not enough to pay the effort.
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    MCI Workshops overview improvement

    Suggested by Rens Ploegstra Rejected  1 Comments

    Hi! As the MCI Workshops have been fully integrated into the Partner Centre i'd like to see a full overview of all the workshops in progress, and be able to filter these on: - active - canceled - completed with the funding amount in the overview. would this be possible?
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    Deployment Vouchers

    Suggested by Lindy Love Rejected  1 Comments

    Good day Microsoft Team, To receive the true value of this program, it would be great to obtain a list of the clients who qualify, especially if we are the deployment partner assigned. We have attended multiple sessions, although have yet to see the real value of the program as when reaching out to the relevant MS Account Manager, vouchers are not being assigned and we, as the Partner, have no idea on the workflow nor process. Even if the MS Account Team email the customer and copy the partner, this would be a starting point. What email address is MS using to send to the client and which stakeholders within the client base is this being sent do as there are multiple stakeholders within the client portfolio.
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    Proaktive Kommunikation Modern Work Deployment Voucher to Partners

    Suggested by Swetlana Winter Rejected  2 Comments

    Hi team, it would be great if partners could proactively get information about which customer gets a deployment voucher. It is often the case that customers with a voucher contact us too late. Or the voucher shows up with a colleague who has no idea of the process. Many thanks in advance.
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    New MCI Build Intent Workshops Update November 1, 2022

    Suggested by Mohamed Magdy Rejected  2 Comments

    I’m not happy with this update how this is happened during the year after we created our plan and committed with our targets, by applying this you are pushing on us to minimize our efforts in the FastTrack with our customers. And Market C includes a lot of big countries names like EG, KSA and Qatar I can't understand your vision. please review it and i wish to update it again.
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    Links at Migration Benefit Site not working

    Suggested by Daniel Rohregger Completed  2 Comments
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    I would like to be able to download knowledge badges by image size (resolution).

    Suggested by Miyuki Narita Completed  3 Comments

    I am aware that the only badge that can be used now is the image that is displayed on the ExpertZone results screen after passing the exam. With only this image, for example, if you try to display the badge in a large size, the image will be rough. We think that if we can make it possible to download by size, like large, medium, and small, the badges will be more appealing to customers.
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    FastTrack Partner of the Year Award

    Suggested by Marius Blaauw Completed  1 Comments

    As the FRP program is maturing can we create a FRP of the Year award at regional and global level. Partners put a lot of store into Microsoft Partner Awards and the visibility they get from a Microsoft Award. The award will be an additional benefit for partners and also be a vehicle where we can encourage and reward behaviours, we are looking for in the ideal FastTrack partner IE: Success Stories, Wizards Usage etc.
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    Unable to see FRP Payment Disputes opened by other team members

    Suggested by Sebastian Baca Rejected  1 Comments

    When pending a dispute for FRP in the Partner Support site, we used to be able to see all tickets opened from all members of our team. Now that is not posible and this creates a mess trying to follow up on tickets. CAS-03276-W4N8L has been opened in regards of this for months.
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