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    MCI Workshops overview improvement

    Suggested by Rens Ploegstra Rejected  1 Comments

    Hi! As the MCI Workshops have been fully integrated into the Partner Centre i'd like to see a full overview of all the workshops in progress, and be able to filter these on: - active - canceled - completed with the funding amount in the overview. would this be possible?
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    Incentive eligible SKUs listed in Ts & Cs

    Suggested by LeeAnne Hughes Rejected  2 Comments

    Can a list of incentive eligible SKUs be added to the FRP Ts & Cs? It would be helpful for FRPs to have them listed in the Ts & Cs to limit the confusion as there are SKUs that qualify for the FT benefit but not FRP incentives. For example, the G5 SKU is eligible for FT but not FRP incentives per OSU. Having something in writing FRPs can refer back to when unsure of eligibility would be greatly beneficial.
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    Trial License for NextGen Windows Workshop

    Suggested by Damla ER Rejected  2 Comments

    For NextGen Windows Workshop, in order to get trial licenses that need to be worked on customer tenant for NextGen Windows Workshop, a button can be created in the actions column on the customer claims page for each customer who is eligible for the workshop and for which we make a claim, a button can be created in the background for this license purchase.
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    Add Step-up Scenario for XXS to higher Bucket in T&C for FY22

    Suggested by Han Weghorst Rejected  0 Comments


    We have several disputes about having a customer claimed in Bucket size XXS for a POC that is running. At time of claim the AU is over 20%.
    In the current T&C this means a FRP will not be rewarded for supporting the customer achieving milestones in higher bucket sizes after additional licenses were purchased.

    In this scenario the FRP is spending time to support the customer but will not get paid on this. This seems illogical and not fair.

    Would like other FRP experiencing similar issues to like this idea, so MSFT Program Owners can update the T&C to become eligible for the effort spend.
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    Want to add FastTrack benefits (FastTrack の特典対象追加の希望)

    Suggested by Miyuki Narita Rejected  0 Comments

    [Translated] Power BI is currently covered by FastTrack.
    In addition to Power BI, Power Platform
    I want you to add it to the privilege target.
    Best regards.


    現在Power BIが、FastTrackの対象となっています。
    Power BIだけでなく、Power Platfrom を FastTrack の
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    CPOR - please renaming Security Usage Incentive in PartnerCenter

    Suggested by Michiel Gedopt Rejected  0 Comments

    We need to log CPOR for program performance. We have clients that decline to complete the POE for CPOR because we are claiming Copilot or other Modern Workloads all because in partnercenter currently CPOR of Modern work or Security workloads is called Security Usage Incentive this is confusing for the client! please rename the partnercenter ability to CPOR to something more generic like CPOR for Modern Work/Security or something but not only "Security Usage Incentive"     many thanks
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    Copilot Workshop claims should automatically create CPOR associations!

    Suggested by Tim Van Liew Rejected  1 Comments

    With the current focus on the Customer Copilot Adoption Journey, we are actively conducting many workshops and engagements supporting Copilot. 

    As we enter Funding/Incentive Claims for Proof of Value or Role-Based Deployment & Adoption Accelerator workshops, these claims should automatically align to a Change Partner of Record claim, utilizing the same POE already required to complete the association rather than requiring that a separate CPOR claim and documentation submission occur. This will also reduce the need to send another email to the customer contact to approve of the association.

    I can see not making the association automatic for the Vision and Value workshops, but if they involve a Proof of Concept/Value or Deployment/Adoption aspect I think it should be streamlined.

    Do you agree?
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    Suggested by Sello Makwe Rejected  1 Comments

    good day 
    looking at the submission process for deployment voucher i have realized that you need to create two opportunities when submitting documents.
    1. you need to create the SOW - Initial opportunity,
    2. you need to recreate the same opportunity for POE submission.
    my idea, why don't you create option of submitting both POE and SOW on one opportunity ?
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    Advising when FastTrack partners already associated have claimable vouchers

    Suggested by Eric Fugère Rejected  3 Comments

    When a client has Fasttrack vouchers earned via renewals or other means and they're associated to partner could we have a field in FTOP or Partner indicating so? 
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    Add Statement to "Notice of FastTrack Assignment" Emails to Customers

    Suggested by Oscar Goco Rejected  2 Comments

    After a partner accepts the customer referral, a "Notice of FastTrack Assignment" email is sent to customer that has the partner's name, email address and domain name.
    Please add a statement in the Notice of FastTrack Assignment email to include the partner's domain name to the customer's Safe Sender list or Allow list.
    This will prevent the email sent from the partner to the customer from being quarantined or delivered into the customer's Junk folder and thus the customer never sees the email.
    I have several customer not receive my emails and had to get my FRM involved to contact either the Microsoft account member of customer to add my email to their Allow list.
    With heightened email security, some customer email systems are filtering emails and mistakenly being flagged as spam or phishing.
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