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  • MCI Workshops overview improvement

    Hi! As the MCI Workshops have been fully integrated into the Partner Centre i'd like to see a full overview of all the workshops in progress, and be able to filter these on: - active - canceled - completed with the funding amount in the overview. would this be possible?
  • FRP Meetup for knowledgesharing

    As a FastTrack Partner i'd like the idea of having a quarterly or twice a year get together with FRP's on discussing issues they've been encountering and getting solutions. 
    obviously, this would be the best if it was set in groups of 4 where the FRP's are in different Geolocations (Competition wise) 
    the community call is more a presentation meeting with Q&A 
    in the times that there is no Face 2 Face event for FRP's anymore this would be my second-best solution for this.