Share insights/feedback, ideas and requests related to the FRP Program.
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    Links at Migration Benefit Site not working

    Suggested by Daniel Rohregger Completed  2 Comments
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    Need work to permanently fix the workaround documented in KB-01109

    Suggested by Steve Olson Completed  1 Comments

    In the following article, there's a super heavy workaround for EDU tenants that's displayed when you expand the "IMPORTANT! Special Process to Earn Incentives for EDU Workloads Claimed at 100% AU" section.  This is a labor intensive process for partners and needs to be fixed.  Can we prioritize work to permanently address this and remove the need for this workaround for EDU customers?

    KB-01109  · M365 Specialty Partner (
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    Microsoft Viva incentive eligiblity criteria

    Suggested by FastTrack Referrals Completed  1 Comments

    Dear Team,

    I share my feedback about the recent announcement on Yammer regarding Microsoft Viva incentives for FRP.

    I believe eligilbity criteria are too restrictive for customer and thus FRP to assit their customers; In particular the 150 Viva Insights licenses requirement to be eligible to the Microsoft Connections incentive whereas Connections is the only Viva module fully included in existing Office 365 plans.

    Among our 115 FastTrack customers, none (to my knowledge) purchase any of Microsoft Viva paid modules today so these new Viva FRP incentives don't create any new partner opportunity for us.
    Despites, we're assisting some customers within FastTrack benefits to deploy and adopt Viva Connections module and features of Viva Learning and Viva Insights which are included in Office 365 plans and don't require to purchase the add-on license.


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    Viva Workloads in CPOR

    Suggested by Chris Radcliffe Completed  2 Comments

    I think that FastTrack should include the Microsoft Viva Connections, Insights, Topics and Learning as workloads within CPOR association. Is there a forecast date when this update will be made?
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    Log a feedback on no MCAP to EDU customer especially for Malaysia, Indonesia & Philippines

    Suggested by Intan Nurbaizura Completed  1 Comments

    Hi FT Program teams,

    Good days!

     I would like to bring to your attention that through our MCAP eligibility check on the MCAP portal for workshop nomination up to today on 20 Oct 2021, all our existing EDU customers from Malaysia (53), Indonesia (3) and Philippines (7) do not have entitlement to any of the 14 MCAP workshops. 
    M365 Accelerator Program (

    This is a great opportunity loss not only to E5/A5 upsell possibilities for Microsoft, but also a potential revenue loss for FRP like Alfa Connections (63 x 14 x $3500).

    Seeking your assistance to look into this immediately as my teams ready to drive more MCAP in FY22.  Your help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you.

    Best Regards,
    Intan Nurbaizura Binti Mohd Zulhilmi | Operations cum FastTrack Assistant

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    Customer Satisfaction Survey for FT SME Interactions

    Suggested by LeeAnne Hughes Completed  0 Comments

    Does the FTC send Customer Satisfaction Surveys to FRP customers?  If not, would this be something they would consider?  On occasion, we request a SME from the FTC.  Most times the customer has a very positive experience, but not always.  I feel it would be beneficial for the FTC to know who is doing a great job representing Msft and who may need a little additional training.
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    S2500ではないユーザフォロー (Visibility of non-S2500 customers to MS sales teams)

    Suggested by Chie Kawaguchi Completed  0 Comments

    Translation provided by FPM Tamami Mitani

    The FRP would like MS account team to know which FRP are engaged with their customers so that they won’t ask non-FRP partners to support their customers.

    It seems there have been cases where MS Sales introduced non-FRP partners to their users who the FRP claimed CPOR for.

    I think the point is we need to raise FRP awareness internally and provide those kind of information with sales team.

    Also we have to recommend the FRP should reach out account team proactively with utilizing contacts information in FTOP.

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    FastTrack Referrals Criteria

    Suggested by Han Weghorst Completed  2 Comments

    We love the focus on referrals for OneDrive for Business, but we received some regular FastTrack Referrals that should be Non Incentive Referrals instead.

    As example: we received a regular referral for a customer in size Extra Small for ODFB. We already deployed SharePoint Online, so there would be no incentive for this left. The customer was asking for file migration to ODFB, but the customer is not eligible for the Migration Benefit.

    We would like to understand why the RFA Gateway is approving such RFA and send this as regular referral. We understand that some areas around RFAs/Non-Incentive RFAs are a little cloudy woul dlike to have documentation that outlines and confirms the conditions that a RFA must meet, in order to be considered as a Request for Assistance, as opposed to a Non-Incentive Referral.

    So two questions:
    1. Are there any other FRP's facing this unclear situation?
    2. Could MSFT share documentation that outlines and confirms the RFA conditions?
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    Can we eliminate need for Intune and EXO claims to earn EOM incentive?

    Suggested by Dave Steeves Completed  4 Comments

    With the goal of EOM to have MAM policies in use, can we eliminate the need for Intune and Exchange claims.  The effort to get a client to implement MAM is above and beyond Intune or EXO and requires additional focused effort.  In many cases we may not have claims for EXO or Intune with a client. For example, when we migrated to CPOR under our new FPM's guidance we didn't migrate any Exchange claims past 40% so as it is, there is no gain to us to pursue EOM with those clients.  Another example is we have clients that had an initial FRP and our now working with us.  While they have passed 40% in Intune, they are not using MAM.  My ask is to simplify this claim so we can focus on having a MAM policy put in place.  Why does it need to include the other claims which already have payouts.  Can we just be paid for meeting the EOM requirements without the other claims? 
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    What are recent mandatory requirements to maintain FastTrack Ready Partner

    Suggested by Tereza Špecinger Completed  2 Comments

    Would it be possible to consolidate mandatory requirements to maintain FastTrack Ready Partner? In T&C the requirements are "scattered throughout the document" - some (to have at least one specialization in MW and/or Security or be part of selected programs) are under FCP requirements, some (performance and success story/insights item) are under Program Criteria and some (to submit a claim via CPOR for at least one new Eligible Customer tenant per month) is under Fasttrack benefit Services...


    Recently I got information that Customer Success Story and Insights are not mandatory but recomanded. This is also not reflected in T&C.

    Proposal: separate section in T&C dedicated only to requirements to become/maintain FRP
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