Share FRP program tools and Reporting feature requests, suggestions, ideas, and insights/feedback.
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    Ability to see Claim ID on the FRP Dashboard reports.

    Suggested by Sebastian Baca Rejected  2 Comments

    Claim IDs are not visible in the PowerBI FRP Dashboard. 
    The dashboard is a great tool; however it lacks the Claim ID which is as important in order to fully reconcile the registrations. 
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    Voucher eligibility

    Suggested by Sebastian Baca Needs Votes  2 Comments

    Ability to see eligible vouchers for customers where we have CPOR registrations.  
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    Ability to filter FRP Power BI Dashboards via MPN ID

    Suggested by Sebastian Baca Accepted  1 Comments

    Today, it is impossible to filter FRP Dashboards via MPN ID. 

    We operate globally, and we use many MPN IDs to register clients according to many factors. 
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    FCU and FRP Dashboard Updates

    Suggested by Ayman Samir Completed  2 Comments

    The FRP Dashboard view in FCU has a smaller scale and size that less comfortable to navigate the report. A full screen option would be helpful to improve the visibility and usability of the report.
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    FRP Dashboard/Partner Center usage accuracy

    Suggested by Asif Vasa Completed  0 Comments

    I am writing to bring your attention to an issue that we have been facing for several years in the FRP dashboard/PC. It has come to our attention that some customers are showing 100% usage, even though they have not deployed the corresponding workloads to that extent. This issue has hindered our efforts as partners to drive customer usage and has resulted in us being unable to receive incentives for the work we do. To overcome this challenge, we request more precise and accurate usage numbers for these customers.
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    Provide reports for Badges acquired.

    Suggested by Adriana Blue Completed  2 Comments

    I would like to request a report to view my organization users that acquired a sales or Tech badges around Teams rooms and meetings. This will allow us to track and ensure we meet the program requirements around badges.
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    Fast Track Portal - is unsigned

    Suggested by Stefan Haffner Completed  3 Comments

    When accessing the portal you have to give permissions and get a screen that tells you to approve the permissions request for the app from an unverified publisher. I would be great if Microsoft could ensure that the Portal is coming from a verified publisher. A security conscious organization might not be happy with allowing access to apps from un unverified publisher.
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    Enhancing Claim Management Process in Partner Center

    Suggested by Asif Vasa Completed  1 Comments

    When another partner files a claim, the contact person listed as a partner is notified. However, it would be beneficial to have a filter in the "customer claims" tab, such as "needs action," that allows us to track customers who require additional information and ensures that everyone in the organization is notified. This would help us keep track of the necessary steps and information needed to resolve claims efficiently.
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    Certificate as FRP.

    Suggested by Chie Kawaguchi Completed  1 Comments

    I would like to issue a certificate as FRP.

    We are sometimes asked for documents to prove that our partners are FRP, so we would be very grateful if we had official documents from Microsoft.
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    MCI workshop approvals and exceptions

    Suggested by John Francis Rejected  0 Comments

    the engine that you run behind the scenes when we as partners submit a client for workshop eligibility is great.. but when it comes back with a workshop as being ineligbile, it would be great if partners could submit for an exception to the rejection.  sometimes the numberic analysis you do and the customer requirements dont make good sales sense.. for example, we couldnt get a client a Secuirty worshiop for intune deployement because they didnt have any exchange installed... well they are a gmail client, and want to deploy intune first, and then eventually move gmail over... 
    would be great if we as partners could submit our own exceptions
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