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    MCI workshop approvals and exceptions

    Suggested by John Francis Rejected  0 Comments

    the engine that you run behind the scenes when we as partners submit a client for workshop eligibility is great.. but when it comes back with a workshop as being ineligbile, it would be great if partners could submit for an exception to the rejection.  sometimes the numberic analysis you do and the customer requirements dont make good sales sense.. for example, we couldnt get a client a Secuirty worshiop for intune deployement because they didnt have any exchange installed... well they are a gmail client, and want to deploy intune first, and then eventually move gmail over... 
    would be great if we as partners could submit our own exceptions
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    FRP Dashboard で Claimed ワークロード のインセンティブ状況も把握したい

    Suggested by Waka Nodera Completed  1 Comments

    [Machine translation] You can check the "Unclaimed & Milestone Opportunity" tab of FRP Dashboad to see the potential incentives for Unclaimed.
    We believe that being able to confirm incentive expectations for claimed workloads will make it easier to follow up with customers.
    Please consider adding more functions. 
    Original text
    FRP Dashboadの「Unclaimed &Milestone Opportunity」タブで、Unclaimed のインセンティブ見込みを確認できると思いますが、
    Claimed ワークロードについてもインセンティブ見込みを確認できると、お客様へのフォローアップ等が実施しやすくなると考えております。
    ぜひ機能追加の検討をお願いいたします。   I also want to understand the incentive status of Claimed workloads in the FRP Dashboard
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    Filters on FCU in partner Center

    Suggested by Wayne Moody Completed  2 Comments

    Hi there, 
    When we go into the FCU in partner center as I have access to all subsidiaries MPN IDs I see all tenants, please can we have a MPN  / Country filter to break out individual MPNs / Countries instead of an all up view. 
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    Workshop Tab - in FCU Dashboard has 0 accuracy?

    Suggested by Jefferson Braga Completed  1 Comments

    Hi, When submitting for workshops based on the FCU - Workshop Eligibility tab. There are quite a lot of customers that then show 0 workshop eligibility. So therefore the "estimation" purpose of the FCU tab is negligible. Whilst being an integral part of the Customer Lifecycle being developed here. This data would be very helpful if it was accurate please.
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    Customer Success Manager

    Suggested by ELZI KRISPEL Rejected  2 Comments

    Hello, I see when customer reached the millstone, the "potential earnings" becomes zero, Processing begins but, We don't see any processing data in any reports.
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    Suggested by Hiroyo Masuda Completed  2 Comments

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    FTOP FRP Dashboard
    タブ:「Services Usage」
    表の名前:Services Usage
    項目:Select Month(s)の スライサー
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    FTOP Services のリンクマークを選択した際にTenant Errorと表示され、かつ修正できない案件が残っている

    FTOP FRP Dashboard
    タブ:「15% Forecast」及び「40% Forecast」
    表の名前:Forecast Date has passed
    項目:FTOP Services のリンクマーク
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    FTOPのServices UsageにてPAUが 0で表示される事象を修正して欲しい

    Translation: When checking utilization in services Usage in FTOP, the PAU is displayed as 0 for some customers and the correct usage status cannot be confirmed.
    We would like you to cure this event because we want to support you after correctly grasping the current situation of customers.

    FTOPのServices Usageで利
    用率を確認する際に、いくつかの顧客に対してPAUが 0で表示され正しい利用状況が確認できない。
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    Microsoft 365 Specialty Partner Community(本サイト)上で探しているPlaybookが見つからない

    Suggested by JBS FRP Team Completed  3 Comments

    >FTOP Task Details<上で掲載されている資料を>Microsoft 365 Specialty Partner Community<で検索しても見つかりません。
    >FTOP Task Details<:①
    >Microsoft 365 Specialty Partner Community<:②



    また、英語版資料がローカライズされたタイミングや既存資料が更新されたタイミングで、Heads upで全ての資料が周知されるようになっているでしょうか?
    もしくは、>Playbook Task Reference List<で今後も確認していくのがいいのでしょうか?
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