Share insights/feedback, ideas and requests related to the FRP Program.
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    Active user consumption control rules (MAU)

    Suggested by Rogerio Molina Rejected  4 Comments

    Active user consumption control rules (MAU) that end up creating difficulties for us to work with customers. Unfortunately, due to various situations that are beyond our control, many customers reduce their consumption or even stop using the solutions. The problem is that we have had big problems with this, as our numbers end up being hugely negative.

    This ends up creating difficulties for us to remain active in Microsoft programs.
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    Verbiage in Referral AU% tab incorrect

    Suggested by Oscar Goco Needs Votes  1 Comments

    When reviewing the customer referral in Partner Center > Insights > FastTrack > Referrals > customer name > AU% tab. The screen states:
    "There is currently no Active Usage Data for this tenant.
    To view the Active Usage Data, please visit the FRP Dashboard"
    Going to the Partner's FRP Dashboard, the customer is not even listed thus no AU data is available.
    I suspect this is because the partner does not have an approved CPOR association to view the Active Usage data. 
    If so, the verbiage should state that the AU% is not available until a CPOR association is established.  
    However, it would be best to have the AU% data available and visible to provide insight to the customer deployment status.
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    FPR - Steeves and Associates

    Suggested by Lily Cui Completed  3 Comments

    Endorsement model: Smaller partners are not able to obtain as many Endorsements even though they may be qualified to do the work. Steeves and Associates is an example of this where they have strong competencies and can deliver in many workloads, however they only qualify for ACM. 
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    Reporting on Front Line Worker Teams in Partner Center and/or FRP Dashboard

    Suggested by Garrison Rose Completed  1 Comments

    Reporting on Front Line Worker Teams in Partner Center and/or FRP Dashboard
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    Suggested by Sello Makwe Needs Votes  0 Comments

    good day 
    looking at the submission process for deployment voucher i have realized that you need to create two opportunities when submitting documents.
    1. you need to create the SOW - Initial opportunity,
    2. you need to recreate the same opportunity for POE submission.
    my idea, why don't you create option of submitting both POE and SOW on one opportunity ?
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    What are recent mandatory requirements to maintain FastTrack Ready Partner

    Suggested by Tereza Špecinger Completed  2 Comments

    Would it be possible to consolidate mandatory requirements to maintain FastTrack Ready Partner? In T&C the requirements are "scattered throughout the document" - some (to have at least one specialization in MW and/or Security or be part of selected programs) are under FCP requirements, some (performance and success story/insights item) are under Program Criteria and some (to submit a claim via CPOR for at least one new Eligible Customer tenant per month) is under Fasttrack benefit Services...


    Recently I got information that Customer Success Story and Insights are not mandatory but recomanded. This is also not reflected in T&C.

    Proposal: separate section in T&C dedicated only to requirements to become/maintain FRP
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    Visibility on Fast Track earning potential, account-wise in Partner Center

    Suggested by Pranjal Pant Completed  1 Comments

    We used to have visibility on Fast Track earning potential, account-wise on Partner Center per tenant. Would like to have this functionality back, forecasting right now is quite difficult without the same. 
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    FRP Partners: ability to self nominate like CSI Security partners

    Suggested by Michiel Gedopt Completed  1 Comments

    We are both a security CSI partner as an FRP Partner for Modern Work. We are getting tremendous returns as CSI Partner where we are able to self-nominate customers for certain security engagement.
    Why isn't there something similar for Modern Work to self-nominate clients that are eligible for a W365 or Teams pilot. the current process is cumbersome and is delaying lead time to execution. 
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    Lack of visibility into Benefits available to FastTrack customers

    Suggested by Rogerio Molina Needs Votes  0 Comments

    When we claim customers eligible for the FastTrack benefit, we need to fill out a document (SoW), saying what technology we will deliver to this customer, however, as we do not have visibility of the benefits available to the customer, we often make the claim and we later discover that the customer does not have this agreed benefit available. We needed to have a way to research the benefits that the customer has available, so we would be more assertive when offering and engaging the customer to start consuming the technology.
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    Service Usage in FTOP

    Suggested by Arto Ovaskainen Completed  4 Comments

    Hi team!
    The Service Usage report in FTOP has changed for the worse. It ineligible for the reporting usage. The same workload still repeats many rows for one customer. One workload should be listed only once per customer as it was in the previous version before dashboard update. Please return the previous version when it had enough information available for us partners.

    Thank you!
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