Share insights/feedback, ideas and requests related to the FRP Program.
  • 6

    Customer Referral Notes History Difficult to Read

    Suggested by Oscar Goco Completed  3 Comments

    Going to Partner Center > Insights > FastTrack > Referrals > customer name > Notes History, it shows the notes with no formatting:
    NOTE: replaced customer information with xxxxx characters
    "10/30/2023 - RFA # 83643. 10/30/2023; Request approved for Microsoft Purview Data Lifecycle Management. Assigned to FTCQ FRP • EDU Licenses: No• Nonprofit Licenses: No• Non-FRP Engaged: No• FRP involved: No• GCC: No    Partner/MCS listed in RFA: false   Contacts:   • Customer contact information: xxxxx.xxxx, IT Administrator,, 18001234567 • Requestor contact information: xxxxx, IT Administrator,, 1801234567     Service Location and Language: • City: xxxxxx• State: Illinois• Country: united states• FT Supported Language: english (united states)   The following entitlement counts reflect the entitlements confirmed by the RFA eligibility engine. These entitlements may differ from FTOP due to latency or other issues but please move forward with the RFA based on the eligibility verified by the On-Demand Team.   RFA Approved Workloads:   • Purview DLM: xxxx Entitlements   RFA name: Request M365 assistance: Email retention policy setup   Additional information that may impact the project: We plan on implementing Email retention polices for the company and need help to ensure we are setting them up correctly.   RFA Form URL: "   
    An improved formatting would make this information easier to read:
    RFA # . 10/30/2023; Request approved for Microsoft Purview Data Lifecycle Management. 
    Assigned to FTCQ FRP 
    • EDU Licenses: No
    • Nonprofit Licenses: No
    • Non-FRP Engaged: No
    • FRP involved: No
    • GCC: No    
    Partner/MCS listed in RFA: false   
    • Customer contact information: xxxxx, IT Administrator,, 18001234567 
    • Requestor contact information: xxxxx, IT Administrator,, 18001234567     
    Service Location and Language: 
    • City: xxxxx
    • State: Illinois
    • Country: united states
    • FT Supported Language: english (united states)   
    The following entitlement counts reflect the entitlements confirmed by the RFA eligibility engine. These entitlements may differ from FTOP due to latency or other issues but please move forward with the RFA based on the eligibility verified by the On-Demand Team.   
    RFA Approved Workloads:   
    • Purview DLM: xxxx Entitlements   
    RFA name: Request M365 assistance: Email retention policy setup   
    Additional information that may impact the project: We plan on implementing Email retention polices for the company and need help to ensure we are setting them up correctly.   RFA Form URL:    
  • 2

    Referral process improvements

    Suggested by David Nudelman Completed  2 Comments

    The referral process is telling a customer, that we have been engaged for a long time and have CPOR for the workloads in question, that we are not endorsed for these workloads.
    If we have a CPOR claim, the process should stop there, the customer gets referred back to us.
    Also, during the request the customer asked us t be the designated partner. That should also bypass the referral workflow that is in place now. We were always told that the customer has the right to choose their partner.
    I believe the correct order should be:
    1. CPOR
    2. What the customer wants
    3. The referral workflow
    Also you should improve the language used in the program, it sounds very negative to partners.
    Customers new to FT with no valid CPOR claim should go straight to #3.
  • 1

    Incentivize workloads like M365 Copilot, Microsoft Entra ID for FastTrack Partners

    Suggested by Sohong Chakraborty Completed  1 Comments

    As a FastTrack Ready Partner, we would like to see certain workloads like M365 Copilot, Microsoft Entra ID incentivized under the Modern Work & Security Usage Incentive program. We get a plethora of RFAs for these workloads and readily assist the customers. But incentivizing these workloads for this fiscal will lead to more skin in the game for the partners and, justify the time and effort the partners put in to deliver these FastTrack benefits.
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    FPR - Steeves and Associates

    Suggested by Lily Cui Completed  3 Comments

    Endorsement model: Smaller partners are not able to obtain as many Endorsements even though they may be qualified to do the work. Steeves and Associates is an example of this where they have strong competencies and can deliver in many workloads, however they only qualify for ACM. 
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    Reporting on Front Line Worker Teams in Partner Center and/or FRP Dashboard

    Suggested by Garrison Rose Completed  1 Comments

    Reporting on Front Line Worker Teams in Partner Center and/or FRP Dashboard
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    What are recent mandatory requirements to maintain FastTrack Ready Partner

    Suggested by Tereza Špecinger Completed  2 Comments

    Would it be possible to consolidate mandatory requirements to maintain FastTrack Ready Partner? In T&C the requirements are "scattered throughout the document" - some (to have at least one specialization in MW and/or Security or be part of selected programs) are under FCP requirements, some (performance and success story/insights item) are under Program Criteria and some (to submit a claim via CPOR for at least one new Eligible Customer tenant per month) is under Fasttrack benefit Services...


    Recently I got information that Customer Success Story and Insights are not mandatory but recomanded. This is also not reflected in T&C.

    Proposal: separate section in T&C dedicated only to requirements to become/maintain FRP
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    Visibility on Fast Track earning potential, account-wise in Partner Center

    Suggested by Pranjal Pant Completed  1 Comments

    We used to have visibility on Fast Track earning potential, account-wise on Partner Center per tenant. Would like to have this functionality back, forecasting right now is quite difficult without the same. 
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    FRP Partners: ability to self nominate like CSI Security partners

    Suggested by Michiel Gedopt Completed  1 Comments

    We are both a security CSI partner as an FRP Partner for Modern Work. We are getting tremendous returns as CSI Partner where we are able to self-nominate customers for certain security engagement.
    Why isn't there something similar for Modern Work to self-nominate clients that are eligible for a W365 or Teams pilot. the current process is cumbersome and is delaying lead time to execution. 
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    Service Usage in FTOP

    Suggested by Arto Ovaskainen Completed  4 Comments

    Hi team!
    The Service Usage report in FTOP has changed for the worse. It ineligible for the reporting usage. The same workload still repeats many rows for one customer. One workload should be listed only once per customer as it was in the previous version before dashboard update. Please return the previous version when it had enough information available for us partners.

    Thank you!
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    Less Paperwork for the MW Deployment Offer

    Suggested by Jami Styx Completed  1 Comments

    For the MW Deployment Offer is there a way to consolidate the paperwork?  Right now, partners must enter (copy & paste) some of the customer information 4 times (voucher #, entity name, tenant ID, email etc.)

    For example:
    1) I generate info into the initial SOW 
    2) Then I have to submit the initial SOW into the portal.  The portal requires that I enter the voucher #, customer name and tenant ID # that is already in the SOW.  Additionally, I have to populate the Program Membership, why can’t it just auto populate?  I only have one program?
    3) Then I copy and paste the same information from the SOW over to POE 
    4) Then for the 4th time I required to re-enter information (voucher #, entity name, tenant ID, email etc.) into portal coping and pasting the info again from the SOW and POE for final submissions.   

    A lot of coping and pasting of the same information over and over. 

    Is there any way this can flow into Partner Center (PC) where it can be more automated like other program such as AMM or the MCI offers.  Yes, we may have to submit the initial information, but the tool would allow us to add information such as voucher #, entity name, tenant ID, email & load SOW initially to a claim.  Then when engagements is completed, like other programs such as AMM and MCI it allows partners to send consent emails (directly from PC) as POE which would be great replacement for the final POE document.
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