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    NCE Customer Eligibility

    Suggested by Jami Styx New  0 Comments

    As partners and Microsoft focus on moving customers to NCE contracts at renewal, is Microsoft considering allowing customers renewing from EA into NCE to be eligible for the MW Security Deployment Offer voucher program? We have several opportunities where we are working with Microsoft on renewals and encouraging customers to move to NCE, which disqualifies them from the voucher program. These customers are renewing from M365 E3 to M365 E5 and need assistance with deploying security products and would be a great fit for the deployment voucher.
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    QTM MW and Security Deployment Vouchers

    Suggested by Karen Naidoo New  1 Comments

    Please add an option to add multiple files when submitting our claims. Often you revert to us to ask for the sign log. Will causes a delay in approval. We could submit the sign log together with the signed document. 
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    Automated referral feedback

    Suggested by Voice of FPC New  0 Comments

    Why not have automated forms sent out to partners after a certain period of time to provide feedback on a referral? 
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    FastTrack v. Standard Referrals

    Suggested by New  0 Comments

    Referral team does a poor job differentiating between FastTrack referral and Standard referrals. I have received a FastTrack referral that clearly stated in the case history "not a FastTrack assistance".
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