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    FRP Partner of the Year Awards.

    Suggested by Xavier Alegria Completed  1 Comments

    Have had a few partners voice their concern on qualifying for the partner of the Year Award based on the requirements set forth. Specifically addressing the Badges, since they are not a requirement stated and/or noted in the T&Cs.
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    I would like to be able to download knowledge badges by image size (resolution).

    Suggested by Miyuki Narita Completed  3 Comments

    I am aware that the only badge that can be used now is the image that is displayed on the ExpertZone results screen after passing the exam. With only this image, for example, if you try to display the badge in a large size, the image will be rough. We think that if we can make it possible to download by size, like large, medium, and small, the badges will be more appealing to customers.
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