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    Operations of P2 and E5

    Suggested by David Nudelman Rejected  1 Comments

    Customer are purchasing P2 and E5 components, and going through an exercise to enable and adopt the workloads.  There is a lot of guidance on hoe to implement it, but very little focus on operation guides and day to day use of the tools.
    Where can we find resources for the IT Pros who will inherit the project deliverables and operate the solutions?
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    Feedback on behalf of Insight

    Suggested by Chip Stein Rejected  0 Comments

    ​​​​​​​Clients are disappointed they have to go to third party integrations for this.
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    Viva Prospective Customers: Low Adoption/Deployment Due to Licensing Costs & Concerns

    Suggested by Christine Esterling Rejected  2 Comments

    We're seeing trends throughout our customer base that I wanted to share. For context, we're a participant in multiple MSFT Partner Programs including Solutions, FastTrack, ECIF, etc.
    We have continued to see interest from customers in Viva/Employee Experience as a whole, but conversions from demos/discovery/MCI workshops is limited largely due to two things:
    • licensing costs 
    • deployment effort and costs
      • FastTrack benefits includes the deployment of certain workloads/modules, but many customers are lacking the internal resources to deploy these solutions themselves, which ultimately leads to pro services deployment costs with a partner; then resulting in conversations around CY23 budget constraints for a platform viewed as 'nice to have' not 'need to have' - when having to choose between a security deployment and Viva, security wins every time 
    The pullback on ECIF/PIE funding has led to stalled opportunities, this program was key in helping drive customers to pilot (used to supplement the customer investment and ultimately showcasing the value of the solution within the organization. 
    I'm happy to provide additional insight / information, please feel free to reach out with any questions. 
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    Automatically send an alert to sender's Manager

    Suggested by Syukri Manaf Rejected  3 Comments

    Alert/notification will automatically send to sender's manager email if the sender (internal user) send out email (labelled with sensitivity label) to external user. Sender's Manager means the specific manager that has been attributed in Azure AD/portal. Every single users in the tenant should have their own manager.
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