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    CPOR registration

    Suggested by Maylinn Moseid Rejected  7 Comments

    If we could make the CPOR registration more automatic, we might have registered more customers. I think that the recognition can be collected in the same way as the customer answers a customer survey. We go into the partner center and tick the workloads we want to register. Then we write bullet points in a column under the checkbox, then this is sent in an automated form to the customer. Who then receives an email with an overview and a choice between acknowledging this or not. The customer can press a button that says yes, we acknowledge this, or the customer can choose to decline. If the customer accepts, the registration is automatically returned to Partner Center and the claim is processed. This requires good contact and information to the customer.
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    Allow FastTrack Referral Emails to be Used for CPOR

    Suggested by Chris Krebs Rejected  2 Comments

    Allow Partners to use the FastTrack email referrals as a means to attach to the customer's requested workload. I have used this before with the customer responding back to the email with the CPOR language included and a request for a response approving the Partner attachment and it was approved. My last attempt has been rejected by the POE Validation Team even when referencing the previous approved claim. Make it easy on the customer and the Partner to get the Fasttrack engagement started. 
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    Feedback on Statement Breakdown for Online Service Usage Earnings

    Suggested by Ayman Samir Rejected  1 Comments

    partners have encountered difficulties in locating a clear and detailed breakdown of the earnings. Specifically, they are unable to determine:
    When the usage was captured: The statements do not clearly indicate the time period during which the usage occurred.

    Which customer or workload the earnings were achieved from: There is a lack of information linking the earnings to specific customers or workloads
    Currently Partner Center statement doesn't offer these information 
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