Suggested by Maylinn Moseid Rejected 

If we could make the CPOR registration more automatic, we might have registered more customers. I think that the recognition can be collected in the same way as the customer answers a customer survey. We go into the partner center and tick the workloads we want to register. Then we write bullet points in a column under the checkbox, then this is sent in an automated form to the customer. Who then receives an email with an overview and a choice between acknowledging this or not. The customer can press a button that says yes, we acknowledge this, or the customer can choose to decline. If the customer accepts, the registration is automatically returned to Partner Center and the claim is processed. This requires good contact and information to the customer.

Status details

Thank you for submitting your idea surrounding an alternative method for registering CPOR.  Your idea has been escalated to the team that manages CPOR Registration and to the Tools team.  We will circle back with you when more info is available.
Comments (9)
  • That's a good idea!
  • Current CPOR registration process is quite manual, cumbersome and tricky.
    This is an amazing suggestion.

    Please make our life easy by incorporating this.
  • Excellent suggestion to automate a process that should definitely be less manual!  5/5 hope to see this implemented! 
  • Greate suggestion. CPOR Program is an excelent step to take with customer for implementation and complement other objectives. But the process, that maybe is not complicated, is quite disruptive for the customer daily activities. 
  • Great idea!
  • Yes and yes!!!! 
  • Thank you all for voting on this idea for simplifying CPOR registration. We have shared this idea with the CPOR team, but do not have any further information to share as to the Partner Center plans. We will go ahead and close this item. For all future CPOR ideas, please submit a ticket into Partner Center.
  • +1
  • Thank you for sharing the idea with the CPOR team many months ago Julie!  What did "the team" finally respond with, or did you not receive a response?   Could we get the owner of the CPOR and/or Online Cloud Incentives - POE Validation Team on a live call or during the next monthly meeting to help the partners better understand why FastTrack delivery is no longer deemed as driving impactful customer usage?  Also provide real world examples of what is considered to be driving impactful customer usage as I believe the documentation to be very vague and lacking any visual representations.