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  • Remediation Checklist (RCL)

    The link to the FastTrack Remediation Checklist is no longer working.  We are receiving the below error. 
    It was mentioned that the RCL is being removed from the FRP program entirely to be replaced by the Advanced Deployment Guides.  Please do not do this.  The RCL is essential for the Assessment meeting and is a great conversation starter about workloads customers are not familiar with and upgrade (upsell) options.  We rely quite heavily on the RCL.  Though, we also walk customers through the wizards, we hold an Assessment meeting prior to any Deployment Guide tours.
  • New CPOR Claim Process feedback

    The new process is pretty simple and I am happy w/ the changes that were made.  It is a huge improvement over the previous process.  Kudos on that.

    My only feedback is that if the partner already has some workloads claimed for a customer and they are claiming additional workloads, the workloads claimed previously shows as claimed by another partner, when the other partner is themselves.  In my opinion, if the partner already has claimed workloads, it should just show the CLAIM ID by those services.  If a DIFFERENT PARTNER has claims for those workloads, then the previous statement would be accurate.