
In this article: Tax Information | Additional Documentation | E-Sign | Form Selection | Income and Entity Type | Partner Information | Submit and Confirmation



User Guide: How to Complete the Tax Profile

Tax Information

Step 1: Select the Tax Info button.


Tax Info button


Step 2: Setup.

Identify if you are filling out the tax form either on behalf of your organization in the US or as an individual. If yes, select the radio button on the left. 

If the above does not apply select the radio button in the right and select the country from the dropdown on the right side for which you want to fill out the tax form.


Setup window


Step 3: Tax status

Based on your country, select Tax ID type and complete the details. To continue, select Next.


Tax status window


Step 4: Additional documentation.

Address should be auto-populated based on the information entered earlier in the Contact info section.

If Permanent residence address is different than Mailing address, remove the tick mark and enter your permanent address. 


Additional documentation window


Step 5: Tax form.

Select launch tax form. To continue, select Next.


Tax form window



Step 6: E-Sign.

Review the information and check the correct boxes, then enter your first name and last name, and then select Submit


E-Sign form


Form Selection

Step 7: Form Selection.

Select the appropriate answer for the two questions, and then select Next.


Form Selection tab


Step 8: Entity Form Selection.

Select the tax form based on your organization type. If you do not know, verify with a tax advisor.


Entity Form Selection tab


Income and Entity Type

Step 9: Income Type.

It will be preselected and is not an editable field. Based on your category/business, the correct income type is automatically selected.


Income Type tab


Step 10Entity Type.

Select the appropriate options for business.


Entity Type tab


Based on your selections of Entity Type you will be asked different questions that need to be answered.

Example: As shown in the image below, if you have selected Entity Type as “Corporation,” you will be asked:


Form 8832 question


Select the correct option.

  • If you select Yes, you need to provide the local registration document received from the US government.
  • If you select No, you can proceed.

If you select: Simple Trust, Grantor Trust, Partnership, or Disregarded entity, the following question will be presented. Select the correct option.

The hybrid question


Partner Information

Step 11: Legal Name.

This will be preselected based on the details given in the Contact Info tab. Choose the correct option for disregarded entity.


Legal Name tab


Step 12: Country of Organization.

Select the country of your organization.


Country of Organization tab


Step 13: Permanent Address.

Once you enter the country, other details will be prefilled based on the information given in the Contact Info tab. Select correct option for “in-care-of-address”.


Permanent Address tab


Mailing Address. This is not mandatory. If required, fill in the details.


Mailing Address tab


Step 14: US TIN.

Choose the correct option. If you select yes, you will be asked for an EIN or SSN based on your account type (Individual SSN/EIN Organization).


U.S. TIN tab


Step 15:

Enter your local tax identifying number (ID).


Foreign TIN tab


Step 16: Tax Treaty Benefits.

Select the correct option based on your country. Based on your selection additional sections or questions may populate.


Tax Treaty Benefits tab


Step 17:

Tax Treaty Benefits. If you select yes, then complete the auto-populated section.

Note: You must select all the Income type. The correct income is picked based on the type business information on file.


Tax Treaty Benefits tab continued

Tax Treaty Benefits tab continued, account holder questions

Tax Treaty Benefits tab continued, account holder questions continued


Once you have completed the details, a tax form will be generated. Select Submit

Submit and Confirmation

Step 18: Sign and Submit.

Read the statements and select the boxes to certify the statements.


Sign and Submit tab


Step 19: Confirmation.

Select the PDF icon if you want to download your tax form. Then, select Finish.


Confirmation tab