
In this article: What to Know to Get Started | FRP-Only Incentive Programs | GDPR | Partner Center | Payment Dispute and Reconciliation | Stay Informed

What to Know to Get Started​

I was invited to become FastTrack Ready. How do I get started?

The FastTrack Partner Community Portal has guidance and resources to help partners onboard, create Membership accounts, locate support, and begin to build business. Within the Knowledge Base there are self-serve articles for partners to read and leverage. The FRP Academy also provides on demand training.
The FastTrack Partner Community Terms and Conditions summarize the requirements to participate in the programs.

Our goal is to help customers realize value with Microsoft 365. As part of the program, partners are encouraged to deliver FastTrack Benefit to customers when assisting with onboarding and adopting qualifying workloads as described in the FastTrack Center Benefit for Microsoft 365

If a partner does not provide the FastTrack Benefit, they must engage a FastTrack Ready Partner directly or submit a FastTrack Request for Assistance (RFA) for the eligible Customer to receive the FastTrack Benefit. The goal is to ensure the customer receives the value of FastTrack enablement as part of any engagement.

Our goal is to help customers realize value with Microsoft 365. As part of the FastTrack Program, FRPs are supported and incentivized to help customers get the most out of the workloads listed in the FastTrack Service Description.

Other Resources:

FRP-Only Incentive Programs​

For detailed information on FastTrack Ready Program incentives only available to FRP Partners, refer to the FastTrack Partner Community Terms and Conditions.


How do I handle GDPR questions related to FastTrack?

In FastTrack, we collect customer data, such as contact names, email addresses, and phone numbers. If a Microsoft customer asks you to delete or export their FastTrack data, please have them send their request directly to Per the GDPR, we must delete or export PII within 30 days, if a customer requests it.

Learn about the GDPR opportunity, access resources.

Partner Center​

Q: How do I set up a Partner Center account?

A: Create a profile will help you to stand out, be discovered by potential customers, and get referrals. Please refer to the FPX: Access and PermissionsReferrals: Customer Referrals Overview articles in the Knowledge Base.

Payment, Dispute, and Reconciliation

Q: How do I set up my Payment Account?

A: Review the Partner Onboarding: Microsoft Payment Central (MPC) Instructions article in the Knowledge Base.

Q: How do I get help with a payment discrepancy inquiry?

Review the Partner Support: Payment Dispute article in the Knowledge Base.

Q: How do I get help with a payment discrepancy for services?

A: Help? Contact Us if you notice a discrepancy between your records and the Proof of Execution (POE) statement.

Stay Informed​

Below are the communication and learning channels available to partners to communicate with each other and the Worldwide FRP Program Team, stay abreast of program updates and opportunities, and participate in ongoing training.

Heads Up Newsletter

Stay current on new resources, upcoming events, and more in our bi-weekly Heads Up newsletter. Ask your Partner Success Manager (PSM) to be added to the distribution list. View the latest copy.

Viva Engage

Go to Viva Engage, a discussion group for partners in the FastTrack Ready Program, to get key information and provide feedback.

Community Calls

Regional calls, led by Regional Program Managers, where Microsoft Subject Matter Experts and members of the Worldwide FastTrack Partner Community Program team lead the discussion and answer your questions.

Click on the link below for your region to sign up for the Partner Call Series: