
In this article: Business expectations of FRPs | How to Determine the Benefits Scope | Out of Scope of the FastTrack Benefit | Get started with a Statement of Work | Value-Added Services

Business expectations of FRPs​

Program partners are accountable for assisting eligible customers (with 150 or more M365 licenses) onboard and adopt qualified workloads.

During onboarding and adoption services delivery, FastTrack Ready Partners will:

  • Submit a claim via CPOR for one or more services.
  • Assist eligible customers to adopt and increase active usage of all claimed or referred workloads.
  • Deliver the FastTrack Benefit Services for claimed or referred workloads:
    • Fulfill the FastTrack Responsibilities
    • Fulfill the FastTrack Guidance Details, as per the Advance Deployment Guidance.
    • Ensure the eligible customer receives the FastTrack Benefit if they are eligible.  If the FRP partner does not support or is not endorsed for the workload the eligible customer requests, they may provide the FastTrack Benefit or agree to engage another FastTrack Ready partner directly or advise the client to submit a FastTrack Request for Assistance to ensure the customer can receive the FastTrack enablement as part of any engagement.
  • Maintain a single point of contact for program administration.
  • Preserve the FastTrack brand reputation and goodwill in the market.

How to Determine the scope of the Benefit​

An important early step in the project is reviewing the FastTrack Service Description to help the customer understand what's within the scope of the FastTrack Benefit and what additional value-added services (VAS) they may need. Here are a few questions to ask yourself to help determine if something falls within the FastTrack scope:

  • Can all the guidance the customer requires be successfully delivered remotely?
  • Is the customer willing and able to run assessment tools, analyze results, and remediate issues with hands-off remote assistance?
  • Does the customer have the sponsorship and project management capabilities to lead a successful onboarding effort?

If the answers to these questions are yes, the customer is a candidate for Benefit-Only Assistance, which Partners may deliver. Questions that a customer answers with no are opportunities for Partners to provide VAS wrapped around the FastTrack Benefit.

Out of Scope of the FastTrack Benefit

  1. FastTrack migration services (as described in the FastTrack Center Benefit for Office 365) are not part of FastTrack Benefit services.
  2. Any assistance beyond guidance is outside the scope of the FastTrack Benefit and the FastTrack Benefit services. The partner is free to provide the level of service required by the customer, but must:
    • Make it clear to the customer when any requested services go beyond the scope of the FastTrack Benefit to which customer is entitled under their Microsoft 365, Office 365 and/or EMS purchase.
    • Enter into an appropriate services contract with the customer for the provision of the additional VAS.

Get started with a Statement of Work

Detailed guidance on what is required in a Statement of Work is available in this knowledge article.

    Value-Added Services​

    Partners are encouraged to market their individual value-added services to customers. Value-added services are fee-based services that address customer needs outside the scope of the FastTrack Benefits.

    • FRPs are free to charge for value-added services.
    • If a customer requests services that go beyond the scope of the FastTrack Benefits, FRPs are responsible to advise them of the benefit boundaries.
    • Clarify with the customers that value-added services are between FRPs and the customer and are not covered by any Microsoft agreement.
    • FRPs will enter into an appropriate services contract with customers for the provision of value-added services.

    Value-Added Services Examples

    • Project management
    • Business solutions integrated with Microsoft Cloud services
    • Onsite project management or technical resources in lieu of or to complement the customer team
    • Workshops and solutions to help customers derive business value
    • Data migration services that are out of FastTrack scope