This forum is to submit insights/feedback and requests for new items or modifications to existing readiness materials, training videos and documentation. 
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    Partner glossary for abbreviations

    Suggested by Iulia Dudas Completed  3 Comments

    I'd like to make a suggestion to create a glossary that is shareable with the partners that would include Microsoft abbreviations. Even though in some of the calls these are provided at the beginning, for partners watching recordings, and not actively participating in chats it can be quite hard to keep up with them. 
    As far as "what should be included" is personal opinion is that there is nothing of sensitive importance when it comes to these abbreviations. 
    A revised version of the existing glossary could be added here:
  • 1

    Product Roadmaps

    Suggested by Julius Heise Completed  1 Comments

    Dear all,

    since the move of the FastTrack Knowledge Base I am searching the Roadmap information for M365 Services which used to be great and very handy for our consultants. They used to be behind the following link:

    Am I the only one who misses them? Any reason why they are gone?

    Thank You :)

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    Remediation Checklist (RCL)

    Suggested by LeeAnne Hughes Completed  0 Comments

    The link to the FastTrack Remediation Checklist is no longer working.  We are receiving the below error. 
    It was mentioned that the RCL is being removed from the FRP program entirely to be replaced by the Advanced Deployment Guides.  Please do not do this.  The RCL is essential for the Assessment meeting and is a great conversation starter about workloads customers are not familiar with and upgrade (upsell) options.  We rely quite heavily on the RCL.  Though, we also walk customers through the wizards, we hold an Assessment meeting prior to any Deployment Guide tours.
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    Suggested by Madoka Ishiwata Completed  2 Comments

    KB-01172にて"The following event recordings are located on FRP Yammer under Files."との記載がございますが、弊社は自社テナント以外のYammerが利用できないため、Yammer以外の場所にもレコーディング資料をアップロードいただくことをご検討いただけませんでしょうか。
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    FTP Community Yammer

    Suggested by Ana Rutar Completed  1 Comments

    Hi! I would suggest to organize and structure FTP Yammer community little bit more as I found it hard to search and find important information. Every day is some new information and post and it's impossible to find what is important to you, if you don't spend every day on Yammer. Maybe make segmentation of topics as: News; FTP office Hours, FT campaigns etc .. Just to distinguish a little bit more topics from one another to enable partners to find information that are relevant to them more quicker.
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    Update needed to KA-01129

    Suggested by Steve Olson Completed  1 Comments

    Please add the following language to the beginning of KA-01129:

    Mergers and acquisitions can be complicated for partners.  Partners have important decisions to make, and those decisions have consequences.  Because planning, communication, and irreversible decisions need to be made, please have the FPM loop in the RPM as soon as possible.
  • 2

    Task4122 の資料を探しているが見つからない。

    Suggested by JBS FRP Team Completed  2 Comments

    下記ページの Compliance Score Workshop が対象と思われるが、404エラーでアクセスできない。
    Translation: Compliance Score Workshop on the following page seems to be the target, but it cannot be accessed with a 404 error.

    [FastTrack Playbook] - [Resource] - [Services Workshops]

    [Microsoft Information Protection (MIP)] - [Compliance Score Workshop]

    下記のサイトで、Compliance Score に関する資料を探したが、見つけることができなかった。
    Translation: I searched for materials about Score Compliance at the following site, but I couldn't find it.
    Microsoft 365 Specialty Partner site

    Translation: Please respond.
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    Updated Customer Facing Deck

    Suggested by Sean Denton Completed  1 Comments

    Hey Team,

    It has been a while since we have had any updated deck describing the workloads and description of guidance provided around the workloads. I have asked our FPM and it seems that the most recent one is very outdated and missing workloads. Is this something that is on the roadmap or something that has been released and I just have not been able to access. Please let me know if available or when an updated one will be available.
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    Fast Track Playbook | Error

    Suggested by Husain Jassat Completed  2 Comments

    I am trying to gain access to the task links for Microsoft Cloud App Security in the Microsoft Fast Track Playbook. However each time I click the link to get access it shows me an error.

    Task – 4207 / Task Links – MCAS Deployment Guide and Deployment Checklist.

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    Localization request - increase content in Japanese (日本語の内容を増やしてほしいです。)

    Suggested by Miyuki Narita Completed  1 Comments

    [Translated] Currently, with Microsoft 365 Specialty Partner Hub, I'm looking into FastTrack.
    However, items that are supported in Japanese are FastTrack Playbook and Operations Guide are few and far between. I want to have a better understanding of FastTrack. To that end, including FastTrack Ready Partner academy, Please support Japanese content for items that do not yet support Japanese content.
    現在、Microsoft 365 Specialty Partner Hubを利用して、
    FastTrack PlaybookとOperations Guideと少ないと思っています。
    そのために、FastTrack Ready Partner Academyをはじめとした、
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