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    Suggested by Sello Makwe Needs Votes  0 Comments

    good day 
    looking at the submission process for deployment voucher i have realized that you need to create two opportunities when submitting documents.
    1. you need to create the SOW - Initial opportunity,
    2. you need to recreate the same opportunity for POE submission.
    my idea, why don't you create option of submitting both POE and SOW on one opportunity ?
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    Lack of visibility into Benefits available to FastTrack customers

    Suggested by Rogerio Molina Needs Votes  0 Comments

    When we claim customers eligible for the FastTrack benefit, we need to fill out a document (SoW), saying what technology we will deliver to this customer, however, as we do not have visibility of the benefits available to the customer, we often make the claim and we later discover that the customer does not have this agreed benefit available. We needed to have a way to research the benefits that the customer has available, so we would be more assertive when offering and engaging the customer to start consuming the technology.
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    Add a team/training on FRP and its offers for Account Managers to know about this

    Suggested by Priscilla Ballestero Needs Votes  1 Comments

    We have encountered several times that Microsoft's account teams have no idea of the vouchers and often think they don't really exist. As partner we have no way of telling them where to ask for information or request the voucher, making it impossible to continue with the program since people's ignorance on the matter is the main stopper.
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    Trophies for participants in the Community like in XBOX

    Suggested by Jeremy Deschner Needs Votes  1 Comments

    My suggestion is to start having community trophies like they have in XBOX. Currently we have FRP badges, but nothing that recognizes our contribution to the FRP community. 
    My idea would look like this; 
    1. A person submits 10 Ideas they get an Idea Bronze Trophy on their profile
    2. One of their ideas is accepted and put into practice they get a Silver Trophy.
    So on and so forth. What this does is it encourages people to participate in the community and recognizes the superstars! Plus it's a bragging right and it is fun to collect loot if you're a gamer or an engineer in the Microsoft Universe. 
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    Add Statement to "Notice of FastTrack Assignment" Emails to Customers

    Suggested by Oscar Goco Needs Votes  1 Comments

    There are two emails sent to a matched partner.
    The first is the Referral Notification email alerts a partner to the fact that a customer has been referred.
    The second email is the Partner Assignment Notification. This email is sent to customer, partner, referral requestor, FPM, and account team.
    When a partner sends an email to the customer, that email may get quarantined or delivered in to the customer Junk Folder. Therefore, the customer never sees the email.
    I had a few customers never seeing my emails even after repeated replies to the referral team, account team and/or customer.
    With email security being implemented by many customers, I suggest to add a statement in the second email recommending the customer to add the Partner contact or partner domain name to their Safe Senders list or check their Junk folder or quarantine folder. This should minimize the problem with missed communications and delays between the customer and partner.
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    Advising when FastTrack partners already associated have claimable vouchers

    Suggested by Eric Fugère Needs Votes  1 Comments

    When a client has Fasttrack vouchers earned via renewals or other means and they're associated to partner could we have a field in FTOP or Partner indicating so? 
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    Verbiage in Referral AU% tab incorrect

    Suggested by Oscar Goco Needs Votes  1 Comments

    When reviewing the customer referral in Partner Center > Insights > FastTrack > Referrals > customer name > AU% tab. The screen states:
    "There is currently no Active Usage Data for this tenant.
    To view the Active Usage Data, please visit the FRP Dashboard"
    Going to the Partner's FRP Dashboard, the customer is not even listed thus no AU data is available.
    I suspect this is because the partner does not have an approved CPOR association to view the Active Usage data. 
    If so, the verbiage should state that the AU% is not available until a CPOR association is established.  
    However, it would be best to have the AU% data available and visible to provide insight to the customer deployment status.
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