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  • Custom fields in FTOP - Services Usage report

    For our customers in FTOP, we'd like the ability to add a couple of custom fields where Partners are able to enter information specific to our organization. For example, customer IDs that is specific to our organization, region, sales rep, etc. and the ability to include that that information with the service usage report.   This would simplify the process to run targeted campaigns within our organization. 
  • Historical usage data

    We'd like to be able to run historical usage data report from tenant insights in Partner Center with usage each month for all the workloads along with the date claimed.  We have visibility in partner center, but we have to go to a specific customer and then click on the graph by workload, similarly to FTOP.
  • Data Health for Entitlement Status

    We've come across many examples where customers are fully deployed on a workload (such as Exchange at 99%), but when they are added to FTOP, the entitlement status is reflecting "Status Unknown" and we're having to update it to "In progress" to have it not show up on the non-compliance report. For workloads with active usage over 60%, it should automatically reflect as a new status "Adoption" and not "Status Unknown."  This is a lot of extra administrative work to update the entitlement status.