
In this article: Performance by Usage Milestone Tab

This report shows the distributions of workloads across the different usage buckets based on percent (%) Active Usage.

Power BI Performance by Usage Milestone Tab


(Continuation of Performance by Usage Milestone report)


Power BI Performance by Usage Milestone Tab



Page-level Filters on: Tenant Name, Workload Name, Area, and Usage Bucket. Note: The default selection for all the filters is All. Press the Ctrl button on your keyboard to select multiple options.
This chart shows the distribution of the number of workloads across different buckets of Active Usage (AU).

  • Red is less than 15%

  • Yellow is between 15% and 40%

  • Green is greater than 40%

Usage Bucket Trend. The chart shows the monthly changes in the number of workloads across Active Usage (AU) Buckets. The chart has the capability to drill down to Quarterly View and Customer Segment View.

Usage Bucket by Workload. The chart shows the number of workloads by service and their Active Usage Bucket.

  • The chart shows the list of tenants and their workloads with Paid Available Units (PAU), Monthly Active Users (MAU), and Active Usage. The details include different metrics, such as: how many Active Users are required to meet the 15% milestone and 40% milestone or CPOR Start Date.

  • This table also provides details of RFA referrals: the isRFA column flags if an RFA has been submitted in FY24. Other RFA related information are the RFAID, RFA Submitted Date, and MAU Growth since RFA.