
In this article: Standard Referral Best Practice | Determination | Examples Scenarios | Resources

Standard Referral Best Practice

The FastTrack Community Partner has the opportunity to apply due diligence when initiating engagement with the customer.

Standard (Non-FastTrack) Referrals are fee-based services partners can provide when it has been determined that the customer has received the full value of the FastTrack Benefit and enablement for eligible workloads has been met, or the service required falls outside the scope of the FastTrack Benefit.

Best practices serve to ensure the full value of the FastTrack Benefit has been realized. Partners should begin the conversation with the customer by reviewing the FastTrack Service Description for details on eligible plans for the following Microsoft products: 

  • Microsoft 365
  • Office 365
  • Enterprise Mobility & Security
  • Windows 10/Windows 11
  • Microsoft Viva


1. Upon determination that the full value of the FastTrack Benefit has not been realized, the endorsed partner can assist with the customer with the enablement of the remaining workloads using the Advanced Deployment Guides.

Note: In scenarios where a FastTrack Community Partner cannot or does not wish to deliver the FastTrack Benefit, the partner may decline the referral via the FastTrack Partner Experience (FPX) and the customer will be routed to a new partner. The partner should provide notes on the situation for the referral processing team. FastTrack Ready Partners who have availability must deliver the Benefit.

2. Upon determination that the full value of the FastTrack Benefit has been realized, the partner can focus on the for-fee based opportunity.


When a customer has not realized the full value of the FastTrack Benefit per the FastTrack Service Description:

  • The customer requests support for enablement of security workloads and is using Intune for cloud-based endpoints but is not using Microsoft Defender for Endpoint for desktop devices.
  • The customer is using Viva Connections but not other Viva products, such as Viva Insights, Viva Connections, Viva Goals, and Viva Learnings.


FastTrack Partner Community Referrals Knowledge Articles

RFA Form

  • FastTrack M365 request for deployment assistance (RFA) can be initiated by Microsoft field or customer at

Escalations or questions

  • Regarding the FastTrack Benefit or Standard Referrals process, submit a ticket using

Deployment Assistance

  • Remote guidance, including step-by-step instructions with M365 Advanced Deployment Guides, provided to help organizations learn, prepare and deploy Microsoft 365 services.