In this article: FastTrack Partner Community Portal Guidelines | Viva Engage


FastTrack Partner Community Portal Guidelines



  • Be aware that by participating on the FastTrack Partner Community Portal that your first and last name will be published.
  • Be positive, kind, and courteous.
  • Feel free to provide feedback but keep it constructive.
  • Search before you post! There is a chance that your question has already been answered.
    • Use keywords in the search tool on the community portal will find related content in all areas.
    • I.e., a search for “QTM” will find content on the Knowledge Base, Blogs, Ideas Forum, and Web Pages.
  • Keep private information private. Double check to make sure you are not posting confidential customer information.


  • Post questions for workload break-fix issues. Contact Microsoft Support for these types of items. Contact Partner Support for FastTrack Partner Community related issues.
  • Post solicitations and spam. Promoting third party’s can lead to violators being banned from the network.
  • Be negative. Constructive feedback is good, but avoid personal remarks, sarcasm, and blame.
  • Use highly stylized fonts, profanity, or ALL CAPS. All caps and strange fonts can be annoying and look like shouting. It could incite others, make it difficult for some to read, or cause the use of profanity.
  • Wander off topic. Topics must be FastTrack Partner Community/FastTrack Ready Partner specific.
  • Share content from a private group. Respect your colleagues and our acceptable usage policy.
  • Where any aspect of this Code of Conduct is in conflict with the Microsoft Terms of Use, the Microsoft Terms of Use will take precedence.


Viva Engage (Yammer)


This is a community for all Microsoft 365 Partners. Our goal is to share relevant evergreen content and to connect you with the product team and partners of all sizes, verticals, and geographic locations. We have created specific groups to have more focused conversations.
Your activity in the Microsoft 365 Partner Community is governed by the following guidelines:
  • Be polite. Remember you are having a conversation with your coworkers, customers, and partners.
  • Be aware. When participating your first and last name will be published. Confidential information should only be shared as allowed by your company policies, preferably in a private group whose members need to know that information for business purposes.
  • Please be aware that access, use and content of the external network may be monitored and reviewed by Microsoft to manage performance, security, and compliance.
  • Follow these best practices:
    • Fill out your Profile and be sure to add a profile photo.
    • Introduce yourself by stating your role at your company and how your company is using Microsoft 365.
    • Before asking a question, use search to explore tags for existing relevant topics of conversation. This will limit repetitive messages.
    • Keep messages short, think “elevator pitch”: readers should be able to read your post in less than seven seconds.
    • Use tags/topics when applicable. Just include a #hashtag in your message to tag that message with a Topic.
    • Fine-tune your email notification preferences. Click on the Edit button below your profile photo in the top left corner to get to your personal settings. Click on “notification” in the left navigation, and then navigate to the network/community of interest and adjust your settings as needed. You can also subscribe to notifications vis IM and SMS.

Read the Microsoft 365 Partner Acceptable Use Policy.