

The FastTrack Partner Community is comprised of global partners who have achieved endorsements to deliver specific Microsoft workloads. As technical specialists for specific products, partners are using the skills they have honed, in the areas where they have invested time and effort to best serve Microsoft customers.

The goal is to direct customers with identified intent to partners, with the associated skills to better support our customers’ needs.

Earning endorsements

Previously, partners have been required to deliver the FastTrack Benefit (as outlined in the FastTrack Service Description) for all Microsoft 365 solutions. By changing from generalists to specialists, partners can build their level of expertise, and grow business relationships with customers who need the specific skills the partner possesses.

As partners increase the M365 solutions they have endorsements in, the more customers partners can serve, the more wrap around services partners can sell, the more referrals a partner can accept.

The goal is to connect enthusiastic M365 solution experts (partners), who have a wealth of experience to customers who have very specific needs.

Selling value added services

This close relationship allows partners to expand their business with the customer by selling value-added services (customer needs that fall outside the scope of the FastTrack Benefit) and wrap around services, e.g. managed services, IT Helpdesk.

Within the areas partners have expertise, the opportunity for win-win with the customer is greatly increased. When a knowledgeable partner with proven experience supports a customer, trust is built, and the business relationship can grow and become evergreen.

The goal is to help partners sell more value-added services, establish on-going relationships and help grow customer satisfaction with Microsoft products.

Receiving referrals

The opportunity for FastTrack global referral-ready partners is:

  • 95% of all incoming referrals are assigned from FastTrack Direct to partners.
  • 80% of referral ready partners surveyed want more customer RFAs

The goal is to drive time to value by help customers maximize their subscription by matching them with the right partner, with the right expertise, at the right time. For specific details, review Customer Referral Overview.

Working with SMEs - FRP Opt-in Only

We are supporting a proactive approach by accelerating SME and partner connection to educate partners to drive customer satisfaction by accelerating partner-led deployments. Review Subject Matter Expert Request, Do’s and Don’ts.

The goal is to increase partner value and gain wider product feedback perspectives.

Using the tools

Within the FPX, on the Referral tab, partners can see customer referrals that have been assigned to them.

The goal is to make it as simple as possible for partners to locate the referral in their FPX account.