
In this article: Completing the SME Request Form | SME Request Form | After a SME is assigned

Important! SMEs are only available to partners who opt-in to the FastTrack Ready Partner Program.

Completing the SME Request Form

Log in to the FastTrack Assistance Center and select the FastTrack Specialist Request button. If you have not logged in before, refer to the knowledge article, How to access the SME Request Tool to gain access. 


FastTrack Specialist Request button on the FastTrack Assistance Center homepage 


SME Request Form

After selecting the FastTrack Specialist Request button, the following form will be generated.


    SME Request form with blank fields 


    Enter data in the required fields, marked with an "*" and then select Submit.

    • Seat count
    • Your Delivery Team
      • Select, FRP Partner
    • Partner Name
    • Email Address
      • Use a valid and monitored email address. Note: This is where all notifications pertaining to the request will be sent.
    • Role Requested
      • Select, FastTrack SME (see image below)
    • Workload
    • Primary Language

    In the Additional Information section:

    • Include as much detail as possible to make sure the correct SME is assigned.


    SME Request form after selecting the FRP Delivery Team 


    Note: If your organization is not listed, open a bug in to have it added.

    Once submitted, the request will be reviewed by your Partner Success Manager (PSM). If approved, the request will be routed to the correct team for SME assignment. Once the SME has been assigned an email will be sent to the email address entered.

    After a SME is assigned

    1. FastTrack Ready Partner (FRP) and SMEs should meet prior to the customer call.
    2. Partners must share customer information and discuss with the SME what has already been delivered and confirm what activities are needed from the SME.
    3. Partners schedule the initial call and introduce the SME to the customer.
    4. Partners attend customer calls with the SME, or inform the SME if participation is not possible.
    5. Partners must meet and align with the SME on the next engagement steps.