
In this article: What is Partner Engagement Registration? | Why register your customer engagements? | How to submit a Partner Engagement Registration | Common Questions


What is Partner Engagement Registration?

Partner Engagement Registration offers partners the opportunity to demonstrate value delivered to customers. This is achieved by submitting engagements on workloads that are not covered by CPOR and/or other registration systems. Products include Surface, Windows 365, and Microsoft Purview Data Lifecycle Management (DLM).

Why register your customer engagements?

Microsoft telemetry tells us a lot about how customers use Microsoft products, but we don’t always know when a partner is contributing to customer usage. Understanding partner value better will help guide our investments on how to grow partner success further.

Benefits include:

  • Showing impact to Microsoft field roles that can bring partners more opportunities.
  • Selection for special incentive offers.
  • Invitation to specific engineering sponsored programs.

How to submit a Partner Engagement Registration

1. Log into the Community Portal, go to Registrations, and select Submit Registrations.

2. In the Registration Type field, select Partner Engagement Registration.

3. In the Program Membership field, select Community Member, and select Next.

4. Enter the following customer details:

  • Products/Workloads
  • Customer Country
  • Customer Company Name
  • Customer Domain
  • Customer Tenant ID
  • Customer Contact Name
  • Customer Contact Email Address

5. Upload the Proof of Engagement document. You can download the Proof of Engagement (POE) template from our website or use your own.

6. Select Submit. Each submission is reviewed, and the following information is validated:

  • Customer Tenant ID
  • Customer Email Address
  • Customer licenses for the workload(s) are selected
  • POE template includes description of the work and licenses

Common Questions

Q: Who may participate? 

A: All partners who have access to the Community Portal are encouraged to participate in Partner Engagement Registration. There are no invitations to the program or any other prerequisites.

Q: ​​​​​​Which workloads may be registered in Partner Engagement Registration? 

A: We are interested in understanding partner impact on workloads not currently claimable in CPOR. The following list will be adjusted based on changes in CPOR and business needs.

  • Windows 365
  • Surface
  • Microsoft Purview Data Lifecycle Management (DLM)

Q: Are all customer engagements eligible? 

A: Yes, all customer engagements on the approved products may be registered.​​​​​​

Q: Will you accept registrations that are already started? 

A: Yes, we are happy to accept all registrations started on or after July 1, 2022.

Q: Where can I see registrations that I have submitted and the status of each? 

A: You may view Partner Engagement Registrations at any time on the Community Portal, Registrations, View Registrations.

Q: What happens if the customer tenant ID or licenses are not valid?  

A: The Registration Team will contact the submitter for clarification on the tenant ID. The partner submitter will have five (5) days to provide the correct information to the Registration Team or the registration will be cancelled. If there are no valid licenses assigned to the customer for the submitted product, the registration will be cancelled, and the partner submitter will be notified.

Q: Is there a required Proof of Engagement (POE) template?

A: Proof of Engagement is required for each registration. We have a template available and we encourage you to use it, but it is not mandatory. We will also accept a Statement of Work (SOW) signed by the customer and partner as Proof of Engagement.

Q: Will I be able to view usage of these customer claims? 

A: We will not be able to provide usage information to the partner because unlike other programs, we are not providing the customer with the opportunity to opt out of having a partner view their usage.

Q: I need help with a registration, where should I go? 

A: Enter a ticket in the Community Portal. In the top navigation, select Support and then Request Partner Support.

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