
In this article:Create and Update Status Notes and Contacts Overview | Locating the tenant | Create a Status Note | View Full History | Tenant details | Partner Support

Create and Update Status Notes and Contacts Overview

Status Notes are used to document the onboarding scope, risks, next actions, next action date, and next action owner. Partners need to create Status Notes for each customer throughout the partner-customer relationship as major milestones are met or as requested by members of the FastTrack team. 

Status Notes are created or updated within the tenant view. The Status Notes form is generated when the tenant name is selected.

Locating the tenant​

To create or update a Status Note for a tenant, locate the tenant in the dashboard. The tenant list is automatically displayed in alphabetical order. There are two ways to locate the tenant. The tenant list can be sorted by clicking on the arrow (as shown in the image below) or using the Search tool. 


  • A - Z
  • Z - A

Tenant list displayed in alphabetical order


Begin typing the name of the tenant in the Search tool. A list of possible tenants will automatically be displayed. Select the correct tenant.

Tenant search tool

Create a Status Note​

1. Select the account you need to create or update a Status Note. The Status Note window will open.

Select a tenant from the tenant list

2. Below Status Note updates, select +Add note.

3. A window, Add Status Note updates, will open. Enter information. Select Save.

Add status note updates field

View Full History

A window, Overall notes history, will appear.

Overall notes history in Microsoft Partner Center

Tenant details​


In the contacts section, you can Add, Edit or Delete existing contacts.

  • New customer contact information can be entered.
  • The contact list can be edited.
  • A contact can be deleted.

List of contact examples

    Customer vs Partner Contact

    In the New contact list, note that either Customer or Partner can be selected. At least one survey-eligible customer contact should be Survey Eligible. A member partner team must be Survey Eligible.

    Note: The Survey Eligible box is not available when the Partner contact type is selected.


    Required information:

    • Name
    • Email
    • Country/Region
    • Survey Language
    • Services assisted with
    • Survey Eligible

    Add a contact (customer) with blank fields


    • Required Information:
    • Name
    • Email
    • Deployed services migrated


    Add a contact (partner) with blank fields

    Partner Support​

    Need support? Review Partner Support Tool: How to use resources or submit a request to FRPHelp.