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Modern Work and Security Deployment Offer update

New FPC announcement...

To provide additional customer support to the FY25 Modern Work and Security Deployment Offer (MWSDO) voucher redemption process, we are now providing customers the ability to be referred to a partner. This updated process will provide additional options for how customers may engage in working with a partner. 

When a customer receives the voucher email, it now contains the Modern Work Partner Referral Submission Form. After submitting the form, this option matches the customer to an eligible partner. Partners will receive a notification that they have been assigned to a customer who was recently issued a voucher and will have two business days to accept and contact the customer. 

Note: Customers still have the option to find their own partner using the FastTrack Ready Partner Global List, which is included in the voucher email.

For more information, visit the Knowledge Article.

  • 0
    Hiya, hope you're well. How can I find out what email the referral will be sent to please?