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Voice of Partner wants to hear your Ideas!

Feedback request...

Access the Ideas Forum from the FPC Portal landing page. Give it a try. We can't wait to hear from you!

Ideas for program related feedback: We want to make the partner experience better.

Example feedback: 

  • Do you have questions about the new FPC Program you feel are not clear?​
  • Any thoughts for new or cool features to add to the FPC Portal?​
  • Do you have a great idea that should be implemented in any of the QTM programs?​
  • Any great ideas how to make your day-to-day work easier in our tools?
Ideas for product related feedback​: We want to make our products better.

Example feedback: 

  • Find a bug in one of your deployments and want to share the information with Microsoft Product teams to get the issue fixed?​
  • Have a suggestion to make a product better?​
  • Find an issue with any FastTrack related process?

Below is the current status of FY24 Ideas submitted to the Forum n FY24:

  • Submitted: 54
  • Implemented: 25
  • In-process: 18
  • OSU Shared/Closed: 11