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We want to hear your Ideas!

New FPC announcement...

Access the Ideas Forum right from the FPC Portal landing page. Give it a try. We can't wait to hear from you.

Program related feedback


  • Do you have questions about the new FPC Program you feel are not clear?
  • Any thoughts for new or cool features to add to the FastTrack Partner Community Portal (FPC)?
  • Would you like to see changes to how our program’s payment statements are delivered? 
  • Do you have a great idea that should be implemented in any of the QTM programs?
  • Find a bug in one of your deployments and want to share the information with Microsoft Product teams to get the issue fixed?

Product related feedback


  • Find a bug in one of your deployments and want to share the information with Microsoft Product teams get the issue fixed?
  • Have a suggestion to make a Product better?
  • Find an issue with any FastTrack related process

Below is the current status of Ideas already submitted to the Forum in FY24.

New Ideas submitted and needing your UpVotes

New Ideas submitted recently and currently in-process

New Ideas with the highest Upvotes

New completed Ideas submitted in FY24